BEen real sick.

Jun 22, 2006 18:19

I've been pretty sick the last few days...actually... the sickness started LAST week...towards the beginning of the week. IT SUCKS. I'm coughing and coughing and coughing...non-stop sometimes! My ab muscles are majorly sore from coughing! I missed three days of work and went to see a dr. He said I have Bronchitis. SUCK. So, I'm on antibiotics for that and he gave me some Hydrocodon ...I tried it and I'm not taking it anymore. It did help my coughing quite a lot but it also made me have a major MIGRAINE the next day when I woke up. Almost like a hangover from it? I don't know but ... not taking that anymore. Waste of money, kind of? Maybe not...if I could brave it up and TAKE MORE OF IT... it would maybe be worth it but I'm just scared it's going to cause me a migraine again but this time I'll have to go to WORK with it! My job sucks ass enough as it is! (They moved me to a new department and I pretty much hate it but I'm gonna tough it out for a while and see if I keep hating it as much. If I DO ...then I'll tell someone. I miss everyone from my old department a LOT...*sigh* I always hate new departments when I start them because I don't know everything there is to know and it makes me panic and freak out...and stress. And I barely know anyone. ... so we shall see.) ...

I'm SO hot. I just showered... and then went and started doing the dishes... so the heat from the hot water from the dishes and the water I used from my shower and the fact that I'm just hot natured has created a steam around me and it WON'T GO AWAY. I'm trying to clean the place up a bit. IT's getting out of hand, it seems. Since we're moving and Troy's working 2nd shift it just seems like it's REALLY hard to keep up with things anymore. I don't know why but it does. Plus, it's hard to make myself straighten up clutter when we're just gonna pack it soon anyway...(like...this weekend we're gonna start packing heavily!!!) ... I've been kind of packing a few movies here and there. I need more boxes!! Mom got me a few but I need some more smaller ones like the ones she got me ...for movies. I don't wanna pack like 400 movies into a huge box because can you imagine how HEAVY that would BE? ... I can. Same with books. So... I'd rather carry like 5 smaller boxes...compared to one giant-ass one that will probably break through the bottom. LOL. I don't have as many books as I do movies, though...thank God. They are much worse! But yeah...yay for moving but BOO for packing stuff!!!

I just horked up thee most beautiful phlem ball I've ever seen.... LOL. WOW... I should take a picture.........and post it. But I won't. ;)

Does anyone else feel really fat and ugly when they're sick? I ALWAYS do. I think it's because I can't really mess with makeup as easily and don't really feel like doing it I don't and then I just wear nasty "comfy" clothes and look homely... . so it automatically makes me feel icky and fat/ugly. LOL.

ANYWAY - I'm gonna go back to the sauna... I mean...doing the dishes now. :) LATER, ALL. . . .

P.S. - I'm gonna post this here on LJ and on Myspace...just for others that don't use LJ or one's that don't use Myspace's convenience. ;)

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