Ep IV: A New Hope

Jul 05, 2007 22:12

I'm watching Star Wars Episode IV right now and I am remembering how much I do love this series and why...I'm not a xXhardcoreXx fan or anything, really, I'm not but seriously...I love these movies...

And in say that I do have to say this:

I love Leia, I think she is absolutely one of the coolest heroines in a novel/movie series that has to raise herself up in a "man's" world. Leia was trained in hand to hand combat and how to use a blaster (she hits more targets than Han or Luke do...just watch) and she was the youngest person to become apart of the Senate.

She simply kicks ass, but she's not only brawn, she matches wit with the boys on the same level or better...she's sharp and she knows how to make an exit.

That and who could EVER pull off a golden bikini...seriously.

Padme didn't even have this much panache.

That's all I have to report to you now!

Much love!
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