Dec 02, 2006 16:58 I have been an online junky for the past couple of days....and thanks to my sis Pixie Wildflower...I've taken a gander at the ZAZZLE site and WOWZA!!!!!
I think my 3 months of Sundays to get all my stuff re-installed will turn into ONE Sunday *LOL*
Thank goodness for back up CD's.....all my designs from 300 Studio Lane are still alive and well....oh and I am putting another tower up with a switch towers thingy. I need Win98 for some dings that won't show with XP and STORAGE more dual boot....since I crashed last year running that puppy. *LOL*
Ok...back to my fun!!!!!
EDIT:Ok...I've installed my PSP9 and am undertaking the HUGE task of installing all my filters...and might I add that my filters have filters *LOL*....back to work...erm...pleasure *LOL*