My hubby came home from work on time for a change last night, around 2:45am, and having worked on graphics all day/evening....I decided my eyes were tired and needed a break. So, I put another movie on and promptly fell asleep around 3:30am....and I woke up around 10:30 am this morning feeling rested!! So what do I do? I put on a pot of coffee and boot up my computer.
Vinny Jr has changed his mind about visiting this weekend. He decided that he does want to spend the night tonight after. Hmmmm.....perhaps this has something to do with a link he e-mailed to me that has a walkthrough for his new PS2 (well, not so new's a classic) game Crash Bandikoo (sp?). His father doesn't have a PS2 or PS1 gaming system so I figure that Vinny Jr forgot about the game he left here for his sister to play until he was online as school yesterday and searched for a walkthrough. So, I imagine that's probably the reason he wants to spend the night with us tonight *LOL* I suppose probably should have told him that he needs to stick with his decisions made but what the heck. I really don't mind him spending the night with us and he likes to help out with doing dishes after dinner and cleaning up the living room if he's made a mess so that's cool.
My daughter is always trying to get him to help her clean her bedroom. *LOL* But not this weekend and I've been in that messy room already this morning *YIKES*....well, it's not so bad that I can't see the floor and am able to walk in there *LOL*
So, I guess my first stop today is doing some housecleaning when my hubby wakes up because I don't want to make noise when he is sleeping. Well, it's a good enough excuse for me to get out of cleaning immediatly *LOL* so that I can work on graphics *snickers*