Apr 09, 2008 15:18
Ohhh man! Yesterday was one of the most obnoxious and draining days of my life. Nothing traumatic, but incredibly aggravating. I had my working interview for the art distribution place. They talked it up, saying that it was fun, relaxing, blah blah blah.
I get there, and this girl comes up to me, introduces herself, and I am informed that I am going to be spending the day with her. I am leaving my car in Farmington Hills, and we are driving to Troy/Rochester area. Okay. So, I'm under the impression that I am going to a building where me and this girl are going to be setting up an art display for some kind of corporate seminar. WRONGO!!
As I'm navigating, I notice that there is no ending location. Here's my day in a quick summary.
I find out we are going door-to-door selling fucking framed pictures. GRR!! Places like hair salons, auto repair places, fast-food places, doctor's offices. Not only that, but she acted like the "NO SOLICITORS" signs didn't exit. People were getting so pissed. Here's how the average "pitch" went:
Dumb Solicitor Girl: Hi, we're here from the art company. We got all of our new stuff in and I wanted to see if you or anyone else wanted to poke through and grab some...
Annoyed person: No thanks. We're all set.
DSG: Are you sure, because we're selling em for $30 when the average retail is for $120
AP: I said we're all set. We don't even let solicitors come in here. Please leave.
DSG: WEll is there anyone else here who may want to poke through...
AP:NO!!! Leave!
All day long. For 8 hours. I wasn't allowed to leave her side either. She almost killed us several times due to her INSANE driving. I tried so hard to find someone to rescue me, but to no avail. :-(
We went to about 70-80 businesses and only suckered a couple of people into buying the damned things.
I told her a couple hours into it that I wasn't going to pursue this job. It was DEFINITELY not for me. And she said "Yeah, this job takes balls that most people don't have." I almost told her that it must take a great deal of balls to be that openly obnoxious and annoying, but I bit my tongue because I was stuck with her. >:-(
At the end of the day, we went back to where my car was. I was exhausted, drained, and incredibly irritated. The guy who gave me the interview asked me to take a quiz. I told him, "actually I'm not interested in this job"
Interview guy: how come?
Me: It's just not for me.
IG: Well how do you know? You've only done it one day.
Me: Yeah. Exactly. I really can't see myself bothering people for a living. Later.
And I walked out the door.
Chipotle's, here I come!