How cool is this for the advertisement of blogs!
the campaign for john kerry/ ? edwards have set up a daily blog.
there ya go jess thats why WE DONT HAVE BLOGS!
THEN agian, we always could be just like john kerry and snowboard(oooo look ant this quick turn..... WATCH ME KICK IT INTO FULL STOP!!....) AND so on snd so forth.
but in case you were interested bush gets a livejournal to smite me i swear ill move to Cananda and fuck canadian lesbians for freedom, hmm maybe a new organization?
Concerend Lesbians Inhabitating the Tundra
Lesbians Against Bush In Americas (canada is in the americas)
or maybe...
People United to Slap Sumabitches, Yes you
the last one is pushing it
10 points to anyone who isnt slow and gets my humor