Who is this person showing their face in LJ land?

Feb 27, 2012 17:27

So it's been the Monday to end all Mondays. People pissing me off from every direction, everybody wanting stuff done and me with even less time than I had before. This morning my boss sent an email to my department that made me want to give my two day notice instead of my two week notice. But of course I can't do that because I have no money; therefore, car would eventually get repoed, I would starve, bill collectors would become my worst nightmare. So instead, I bit my tongue (sort of) and instead whispered words that I could only ever say to myself and coworkers like, "no boss, I'm only doing the amount of work in which you're actually paying me for" instead of expressing my smart-aleck remarks to 'the man'.

Top that off, yesterday I almost found myself over at the horrid place of which he who must not be named works at to exact revenge on his sorry tail. I found out some friends saw him there last weekend and that just kinda put coal back in the fire. I suddenly feel like Carrie Underwood when she sings "maybe next time he'll think before he cheats". Lol. My mom literally had to look at me and say 'don't go over there.' she knew what was likely to happen if I did, which would really be a number of scenarios but I digress.

Wow...when I ramble I can really ramble. At any rate, still have some work to wrap up. What a day. Blah.

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