Title-5 Things that Colonel John Sheppard Hates...
category- cliche fic, mcshep
summary-um...five things that Sheppard hates?
author- Belladonna
Title-5 Things that Colonel John Sheppard Hates...
1. The Wraith. That's kinda a given. He hates worse that he's the one that woke them up, and the fact that they've killed people he worked with, played with, drank with...
2. The Air Force. It's actually a love hate kind of thing. He loves to fly, to soar in the air with a plane wrapped around him like a lover, to protect his country, his planet, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. He hates the politics, the stupid bureaucracy that penalized him for doing the right thing, which, in his opinion caused his friend's deaths. It also is pretty judgmental about who you love...
3. Elizabeth. Again with that love and hate thing. He admired her ability to negotiate, and manage people, but hated that she didn't really understand the military mindset. (if only they'd killed Kolya in the beginning...) She did go to bat for him, so that balances out alot of the bad.
4. Sumner, though he doesn't really like to speak ill of the dead. He has to stop himself from blaming the man for letting him kill him, and leaving John with this fucking mess. He hates, ~hates~ that he had to kill him, that Sumner ~needed~ to be killed to protect Earth. It's one thing to drop bombs from altitude onto a target, another to look your CO in the eye.
5. He hates Colonel Samantha Carter. To be honest, before she came to Atlantis he'd only met her a couple of times. However, the way Rodney idolizes her makes him grit his teeth. Radek said she was the one that sent Rodney to Siberia, and the man is known for his ability to find the gossip in the SGC's scientific community. The exile, John thinks, made Rodney fragile in a way that keeps the man paranoid about being brilliant and staying smart enough, fast enough, good enough to keep saving their asses, to stay in Atlantis.
Rodney hasn't realized yet that he is John's and Atlantis's, and it'll be a cold day in hell that he lets either of them go.