You're a moron, part one

Dec 13, 2004 16:25

Well, folks, winter has come upon us. Up here in Minnesota it has just begun the brutal drop into the negatives, yet its strange how much skin I am seeing. I'm sorry to beak it to you, kids, but I don't think your Captain Slutpants look is going to make it though this winter. Here, since I am so kind, let me help you

Lets start with the basics.

"I love my new awesome scarf, and since it is cold, I'm going to wear it!! I wonder why I am still so cold!?"

Because, dork, you need to actually use it for its purpose, which is to keep your neck and face warm. Wow, it works!

"DAmn guuurl, this hat is so fly! Hatz are gr8 in winter!"

Yes, hats that actually keep your head and ears warm are cool, not something that will eventually lead to fluid leaking out of your ears when you get that ear infection. Or maybe you ears leak fluid anyways. Well, either way, you look stupid.

"Jackets are soooo much more awesomer and sexyish when you can still have cleavage hanging out...mmm boys, come to me!"

when you have no wind resistance at all and you have nothing covering your vuluptous boobs of wonder, people will be staring at your strange reddish-blue skin and not your desperate attempts to win the boner game. Gloves help too, the whole "not being able to move your fingers" thing can get a little impairing.

BAD                                                                    SENSIBLE

Enjoy winter, everyone, hehe

I miss you all and can't wait to see everyone over break.

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