Cruel Winter Masterpost

Mar 15, 2014 21:46

Title: Cruel Winter
Author: bellacatbee
Artist: 2blueshoes
Pairing: Pre-slash Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 15, 038
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to SPN and I don't make any money off this.
Warnings: Vampires, blood, Missing child, references to torture.

Summary: Dean is surprised that anyone would rent the big house at the edge of the woods. It's been empty for years. He's even more surprised to find it's been taken by a man caring for his sickly ward. There must be hundreds of better places than a must old house for someone to recuperate. Dean finds employment at the house working as a gardener and begins to realize that things aren't all they seem. The curtains are always drawn and he isn't allowed inside. The house's new owner is strangely jumpy and rude whenever Dean suggests bringing his ward outside to enjoy the sunshine.

It's only when Dean sneaks inside the house that he discovers the reason - the man's ward, Castiel, is a vampire.

Art and Fic: Here!

2014 big bangs

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