Fic: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?

Feb 08, 2014 17:56

Title: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: bellacatbee
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Others, Charlie/Gilda
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 12,106 words
Spoilers: Slight spoilers for season eight, but not canon compliant.
Warnings: Explicit Sex, Cheating, Alcohol Abuse, Closeted Dean. (More tags on A03).
Summary: The Gates of Hell are closed. There are no more demons, no more monsters to hunt.

Dean has to get used to living like a regular person. He tries his best, gets himself a girlfriend, sets himself up as an odd job man, but he finds himself drawn to an out of the way bar. Drawn to a dark haired man who drinks there and looks a lot like Castiel.

Now there’s nowhere to run, Dean has to face the feelings and desires he’s kept hidden for so long. He has to come to terms with himself and who he really is, later in life than he would have liked.

Fic: Here

word count: 10000-19999, rating: nc-17, genre: angst, genre: kink (oral), type: fic, authors: b, genre: kink (voyeurism), genre: au (ar/canon change)

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