The Great Adam/Michael extravaganza!

Mar 15, 2012 19:20

Today it’s Adam/Michael day on this journal.

Get all your Adam/Michael drabbles here - kid!fic, pet!fic, kink or fluff. Just prompt the Adam/Michael you want and you’ll get it.

Because baby I ship them and I’m not ashamed.

adam/michael, adam is a whore, drabble, meme

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nights_fang March 15 2012, 19:31:54 UTC
Castiel and/or Balthazar and Adam slowly start becoming BFFs-ish. Michael misunderstands, and is jealous.


Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 bellacatbee March 15 2012, 20:10:38 UTC
“There you are, gorgeous!” Balthazar was as friendly as ever, throwing an arm around Adam’s shoulder and nudging him. “Aren’t you bored? Let’s go and get something to drink ( ... )


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 nights_fang March 15 2012, 20:18:35 UTC
Oh Michael. Also Adam = ♥. I love how crass and frank he is here.


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 bellacatbee March 16 2012, 12:21:35 UTC
Adam is too drunk to be anything but crass. I'm glad you liked it!


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 ladyknightanka March 15 2012, 23:24:03 UTC
lolol, Adam, making out with strippers probably doesn't help. Self-conscious!Michael is adorable, though. And Bal/Adam BFFs works great.


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 bellacatbee March 16 2012, 12:22:34 UTC
It's all Balthazar's bad influence! Thank you, sweetie.


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 _bluebells March 16 2012, 11:56:52 UTC
The notion of Adam and Balthazar drunkenly playing with the stripper's makeup, laughing and smearing it everywhere is such a great mental image for friends.

I love that Michael was trying to be considerate, though it made him sad, and Adam was too drunk to be anything less than frank, shoving Michael's concerns to the side. So sweet and funny.


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 bellacatbee March 16 2012, 12:24:20 UTC
It's wonderful, isn't it? You know Balthazar knows all the strippers and they let him backstage. He's just that kind of guy.

Michael wants to be a good boyfriend and not just tell Adam that he belongs to him. He doesn't think Adam would take possessive, clingy archangel very well. Glad you enjoyed it, honey!


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 _bluebells March 16 2012, 12:52:37 UTC
Michael, how you've grown! I'm proud right now, truly.


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 babydracky March 16 2012, 22:14:23 UTC
*thumbs up*


Re: Adam/Michael - Jerk - PG-13 bellacatbee March 16 2012, 23:14:59 UTC
Glad you enjoyed!


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