Nov 17, 2004 10:19
so yeah, its been a while. Nothing really new to talk about yet. School has been the same pretty much, I got my spanish test back which I failed and then I got my math test back which I got over 100% in so i say screw espanol. lol But yeah so now I'm gonna have to work so hard to bring that grade up. I hate school. Anyways, cheers pretty good. Megs broke her ankle so we have to rework our routine. It's not as bad as I thought it'd be, really. Its just a little frustrating but thats it. Competition in 3 weeks I think? Ohio. wahoo. I'm so exited, we are competiting against this really great team (apparently, I have never seen them yet) Step One. They are def. gonna give us a run for our money tho. lol Idk it'll be fun. Then the following week is the PiStoNs COMPETITION!!! its like Dec. 12th or something so I'm pretty exited. lol ANd ahh my friend is burning me THE NOTEBOOK!!!!! Best movie of alllllll time. so yeah i should be getting it either tomarrow or wednesday. idk w/e i just hope he comes through!! lol KaRlA's commin home fridddday! I havn't seen her in forevvvvvvver. and then I'm getting together with LuCy on saturday!! or at least im pretty sure! it should be a party. well that it for now kids. I gotta go studdy for Espanol and then hit the sack. Late start tomarrow, wahoo. well later loves.