Title: Bashed
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Pairing: Brian/Justin
Timeframe: Post-122
Rating: PG13 (for language only)
Warnings: angst-y
Summary: The gang learns of Justin's bashing.
Disclaimer: I, sadly, hold no claim to any of these characters.
Author's note: Unbeta'd and I'm pretty sure there's a slight contradiction to canon in there, but the fic was too far written to change it. (Points if you spot it!) I started this for the For the Eyes of Challenge over at
neverenough_bj, but didn't get it finished in time and had trouble making it fit exactly with the theme. I'm currently stuck at home with my second bout of bronchitis this month (ugh) and had some free time, so I figured I'd finish it (read: I am not responsible for drug induced grammar/spelling mistakes).
Jennifer’s POV
The night of my son’s prom, I woke up to the shrill tone of the telephone. I’ll never forget that sound. I had only gotten to sleep an hour earlier. My house seemed too quiet compared to the hustle and bustle of Deb’s.
“Hello…Justin is that you?...I thought you were spending the night at Daphne’s.”
“Mrs. Taylor, this is Olivia from St. James.”
Olivia, Olivia. Why was she calling me? Justin was supposed to be at Daphne’s by now.
“Oh, hello Olivia, is everything alright?”
“Mrs. Taylor, I’m sorry to inform you of this, but there has been an incident with your son.”
I sat up, speechless. Every mother’s worst fear come true.
“Mrs. Taylor, are you there?”
Suddenly the words came rushing back.
“What kind of an incident?...oh god it was a car accident, wasn’t it?…I told him not to get in the car with anyone who’d been drinking…especially on prom night…oh god.”
“No. It appears that Justin was attacked by another student.”
“Well, is he alright?”
At this point I was wide awake, scanning the room for the clothes I discarded earlier. I quickly pulled on the first thing I could find, grabbed my purse and started to head downstairs.
“Unfortunately, he had to be taken to the hospital. It is my understanding that he is at Allegheny General.”
“But he’s going to be alright, I mean, he’s going to be fine, right?...Right, Olivia?”
I was downstairs at the door now. Thank god Molly was at Craig’s.
“I’m sorry, Jennifer, he was unconscious and quite badly beaten when they took him.”
“Oh god.”
I braced myself against the wall, silently praying. Every mother of a gay child’s worst nightmare.
“Do you need me to call anyone else, Jennifer?”
“Is he alone?”
“No, it appears a Mr. Brian Kinney stopped the attack. He rode with Justin to the hospital.”
I never thought I’d thank god for bringing Brian Kinney into Justin’s life. I couldn’t believe he showed up. Justin must have been so happy.
“Thank you, Olivia. I’m leaving now for the hospital.”
“You’re welcome, Jennifer. We’re praying for him here.”
“Me too, Olivia, me too.”
Debbie’s POV
Vic and I were sitting at the dining room table reminiscing about our proms when the phone rang.
“Well, who in the hell could be calling at this hour?”
I stood up to pick up the phone while Vic started cleaning up the bowl of ice cream we were sharing.
“Sunshine, is that you?…Did Daphne ditch you for some hunk on prom night?”
“No, Ma. It’s me.”
“What in the hell are you doing calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane with David right now?”
“Ma, I need you to sit down.”
“What, honey?”
“Ma, something’s happened.”
“What is it Michael? Are you alright? Is David alright?”
“We’re fine, Ma. Something’s happened to Justin.”
Oh no, not my Sunshine. I sank down into my chair. Vic looked over from the sink in anticipation.
“Oh god…well, what is it?...Quit fucking pussy-footing around.”
“Some kid…oh god, I can’t believe it…some fucking kid bashed him in the head with a baseball bat.”
My hand started shaking then. I could barely bring myself to say the words.
“Is he dead?”
Michael was sobbing. It took me a moment, but I gathered up the courage to ask again, needing to know for sure.
“Is he…is he dead?”
Michael took a few breaths, calming down. Please let him have good news, I prayed.
“No, but they aren’t sure if he’s gonna make it. Oh god, Ma. Brian’s here…he saw it happen…he stopped it…he’s covered in blood. I’ve never seen him like this…”
He broke off sobbing, again. Vic was staring by this point, white faced. Poor Brian, he might actually give a fuck about this kid. I don’t know what he would do if anything happened to him now.
“Michael…MICHAEL. Pull yourself together.”
Vic looked like he was in shock.
“Michael, Brian needs you right now. Go be with him. Vic and I are on our way.”
I heard Michael take a deep breath.
“Thanks, Ma.”
He’s calm now.
“We’ll see you there. I love you, baby.”
Vic’s POV
I watched Deb get to her feet, albeit shakily, and hang up the phone.
“What happened, sis?”
“We need to go to the hospital.”
“What happened?” I demanded.
“Justin was bashed…poor Sunshine…fucking kid.”
Bashed…it had been a long time long time since I’ve heard that word connected to someone I knew, but not long enough that it had lost it’s meaning.
Not since Marco.
He was a friend back in New York. It was right after Stonewall. Before anyone in middle America had heard of gay rights, let alone HIV or anything else prominent in the news today.
He ran into a couple of thugs on his way home from a club one night.
He was only 19.
They broke almost every one of his ribs before finishing him off with a tire iron to the head.
Stuff like that wasn’t supposed to happen anymore.
Especially not to fucking 18-year-olds at a prom in suburban Pittsburgh.
Debbie walked up to me with my coat in her hand.
“C’mon Vic. We’ve got to go.”
I followed her out the door silently praying that Justin’s story wouldn’t end the same way as Marco’s. I didn’t think any of us could take it, especially Brian. I really believed he wouldn’t ever let anyone in again if Justin didn’t make it.
Mel’s POV
I had barely been asleep an hour when the phone rings.
Gus had an ear infection and was screaming his head off all night.
“I’ll get it.”
I mumbled to Lindsay. At least that’s what I think I said.
“Hey Mel, it’s me.”
“Michael, what in the hell are you doing calling at this hour? There’s a baby in this house you know. What has Brian done this time?”
“Mel, stop.”
He cut me off.
“Mel, I need to talk to Linds.”
“What in the hell happened that you can’t tell me?”
“Mel, I need to talk to Linds.”
“Well she’s sleeping for this first time in twenty hours and I’ll be damned if I’m going to wake her up for some bullshit Brian fucking Kinney has pulled.”
Fucking asshole. He can’t just fuck up his own life; he needs to drag everyone else down with him.
“Mel, would you shut the fuck up? Justin was bashed at his prom. Brian saw it. I need to talk to Lindsay.”
Shit shit shit.
Brian fucking Kinney finally shows interest in the kid and this happens.
“Mel, he’s not talking to anyone.”
“Who, Justin?”
“No, Brian. It’s like he’s not even here. Mel, he’s crying.”
Shit, Brian Kinney having emotions.
“Well, what does Justin have to say? How’s he doing?”
I heard Michael sob.
Shit, Justin couldn’t be dead. No, that would have been the first thing Michael mentioned.
“They’re not sure if he’s going to make it.”
I didn’t know what to say to that. What do I say when this kid, this kid who wormed his way into my little family because of some school boy crush on my kid’s asshole father, this kid who was eager and hopeful, who babysat my son, who had all this potential, may die because some asshole couldn’t deal with the fact that he liked guys?
“I’m here. I’ll wake up Lindsay. We’ll be on our way.”
Lindsay’s POV
I don’t really remember much from that night. I felt like I had just gotten to sleep when Mel was simultaneously shaking me awake and calling Dusty to see if she could come over and stay with Gus.
“Linds, baby, we have to go to the hospital.”
That woke me up.
“What?” I mumbled blearily.
“Some homophobic jackass attacked Justin at prom.”
“Brian saw it. He’s at the hospital with Michael. We need to go.”
I got up and started to get dressed.
Poor Brian.
I never thought I’d see the day Brian Kinney had anything that could be considered a boyfriend. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s fucked around more than anyone I’d ever heard about.
But Justin somehow got through that. He is such a talented artist and so sweet with Gus.
I think the guys, especially Michael, just thought he was a persistent trick. Brian must’ve realized he was more than that to let him in the way he has.
I wondered how serious it was.
“Mel, what happened? I mean, Justin’s just a bit hurt right?”
Then I realized, why would we be going to the hospital if Justin was going to be fine.
Then suddenly Dusty was there and we were getting in the car.
“I’ll tell you on the way. But…?” She hesitated.
“But what, Mel?”
“Brian’s gonna need you.”
Emmett’s POV
I was on my way home from Babylon with the hottest trick I’d picked up in the last two weeks. Built, but not crazy-steroid case, but that’s beside the point. He was doing this thing with his tongue and my neck, well anyways, you get the picture. My phone rang, but we were already half-way into my apartment. I figured I’d check my voicemail in the morning.
But then it rang again and I got that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I told Mr. Built with a Tongue I would be just a moment and to go ahead and make himself comfortable in my bed.
“Why, Debbie, to what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?”
“Em, baby, you need to get to Allegheny General.”
And now, I swear on my Aunt Lula’s pecan pie that I tried my very best not to queen out, though it is distinctly possible I might have.
“Oh my god, Deb, what’s happened? Is Vic okay? He’s going to be okay right?”
“Emmett, it wasn’t Vic. Sunshine was bashed at his prom.”
Shit, and I thought the lit matches were bad.
“And you need to get down here, because Brian has fallen apart and I’m pretty sure Michael is just about to and so has Jennifer and, shit, I just can’t handle this all by myself.”
Brian had fallen apart. Our Brian, head stud of Babylon and king of fucking 'em and leaving 'em, had fallen apart.
I quickly made my apologies to Built with a Tongue and ushered us both out the door.
I wasn’t even out the door before I started praying.
Ted’s POV
When I woke up that morning, I was looking forward to a typical Sunday morning. A cup of coffee, the New York Times Arts section. I had just put the coffee on when I noticed the beeping of my answering machine.
“Teddy, baby, I need to talk to you. Call me.”
I figured that Emmett had probably hooked up with a trick last night and something had gone wrong. Nothing serious, but something minor, from the tone in Emmett’s voice. It was a bit too calm.
So I called him and that’s when I found out.
Justin, bashed at his prom. Jesus.
But then Em told me that Brian had been there, that he was at the hospital now, and that it looked like something had broken in him.
I don’t even remember meeting Justin for the first time. He just seemed like he was another of Brian’s thousands of tricks. But then he started showing up at Woody’s and at Babylon.
The little stalker, we joked.
But slowly he became more than that. He became the kid whose dad kicked him out, then the kid who lived with Brian, then with Deb. And slowly he became one of us.
Looking back, I remember wondering why I was even going to the hospital. Em told me that Justin was still unstable, that there probably wouldn’t be news for at least a couple of days. There was really nothing I could do, but for some reason I knew I had to be.
I walked into the doors of the hospital and looked at the broken faces around me. Then I realized why I was there. Justin had become part of our family and he had to make it. And that we would all be there until he did.