Oct 18, 2004 18:44
So.. alot of things have been going on lately..
sorry for being gone so long...
alot of dealing on with fighting sickness's.. and just school is kicking my ass....
I'll write more and get things back on track........... I've been thinking lately and just read if you want
Everyone has to deal with heartbreaks. It’s only human. But the
thing that doesn’t make sense is the faster you are over them, it seems
the more it comes back up. You’re supposed to look at the good side of
things, the happy moments and the good memories right? I mean I do
that, but then I realize those memories can’t be taken back into time,
where I can relive the thought of a certain hug, kiss, story, or
special time. Sometimes I wonder why is it, that I still dwell on
something, that I no longer can have. Not even knowing if I want it
back, but why must I go through all the thoughts still and then have
the “what if” thoughts. What if this happened instead of that, what if
I got feelings back, those questions can never be answered and to be
honest I don’t want them to. Everything happens for a reason. The
beginnings, the endings, the hellos and the goodbyes. It’s over and
done with. I’d be living in chaos for so long if I were to rely on
“what if” and was it me, or was it you. I took my fault but did you? Do
you think about the past? I was your first, am I going to remembered?
Funny how people change, but its even more funnier, when everything
about them changes after so long. Why must people change? Is it another
way to escape what they miss having, or another option instead of
running away? I’ve ran. I’ve cried. I’ve dealt with the realization of
things I yet have still not encountered. People noticed what I
went through, gave the “I’m sorry” responses and the “his lost” but
really was it his lost? I mean what if it’s really my lost, the way I
had vision it for the longest amount of time. That’s besides the fact,
and not a big deal my lost or his, I can get by without knowing
whose lose it was. Let things go, they’ll come back right? If
it’s true and meant to be, it will come back to you. I gave up on that.
If it’s meant to be why would ever of gone away? Yes I understand the
part about realizing the truth behind wanting it, but still why be in
misery for a partial time when that partial time can be of
happiness? In relationships you realize you change. Friends, and
relationships do not mix. You can’t mix your friends into your
relationship. Friends are there for you through the times of need and
just the little boost of energy. They are you’re boost of energy, what
gets you by. Relationships are the chaos and stressful times you go
through. Everyone goes through them, its not just certain people. Once
you involve friends into the relationship, opinions get boosted, people
take sides and the drama begins. I’d rather keep my friends and
relationships as acquaintances. That way it’s short, sweet, and simple.
The radio. It’s a bitch. You hear about relationships going bad on the
radio, listen to what the girl/guy did that was wrong. Then it’s the
good ole songs. One little song can change your mood. You begin
listening to lyrics more carefully. Instantly your mind takes toll, and
you begin thinking of that one special time or you begin to realize
what you once had that you no longer have. Love, it’s not unfortunate.
It’s a powerful thing, that can either keep going or get shut down.