i decided to post something since i am waiting for my friend rebecca to meet me here in the campus library. i am so sleepy. i had 2 exams today and a few projects coming up. regina spektor tomorrow yay! she's one of my favorites. i don't go to shows as frequently as i would like, but she was one that i must see. i would also love to see the arctic monkeys someday, they seem like really good performers.
what's new? hmmm well nothing really. just the usual school/homework/projects/work/church/etcetc/
i have recurring dreams that i'm visiting los angeles, and i always get lost. but somehow by the end of the dream i find my friend's apartment again and she usually bails on me and leaves me stranded somewhere in the city. that is so odd. i wonder if this dream has any meaning... not that i believe that dreams have meanings, i don't think they do until you assign a meaning. kind of like your horoscope or a fortune cookie.
still waiting..