No, really..I'm not. I have, however, been away for the past 2394805 days and for that I apologize. There's been a lot going on and I kept meaning to update but I obviously never got around to it. Well, first things first.
clay hobbit pipe
2 Marilyn Monroe purses
Merry & Pippin shirt
2 Tinkerbell notebooks
Tinkerbell magnetic picture frame
make-up brush set
Secret Window DVD
$30 Hot Topic Giftcard (spent on shoes, Potter shirt, and LOTR lunchbox)
fancy ring made by Indians
Elvis: The Complete Story DVD
S'mores Wizard (making s'mores inside rules!)
hair straightener
Wizard of Oz pillow
"There & Back Again - An Actor's Tale" by Sean Astin
Marilyn Monroe calendar
Marilyn Monroe cell phone cover
The Godfather Part One DVD
The Breakfast Club DVD
pink leather jacket
Tinkerbell shirt
Kurt Cobain shirt
pink and green tobogan
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King Extended Edition Gift Set
Jack Skellington fuzzy dice
dancing/singing Homer Simpson
13 Going On 30 DVD
Lord Of The Rings Trivial Pursuit
Tin Man statuette
South Carolina lottery tickets (I won $21, too)
miniature Elvis book
Elvis Christmas CD
enormous box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans
Guns 'n' Roses Greatest Hits CD
Guns 'n' Roses belt buckle
4 lip glosses
Penguin mints (best mints ever)
2 mini lotions
BHP (my high school) pen
An awesome button that says "Of course we all came from monkeys--look at your mom"
Set of 4 Marilyn buttons
Set of 9 Lord Of The Rings buttons
a box of sugar free chocolates
3 pairs of sparkly socks
"Keep It Real" purse
Sony discman
It feels rather like I left something out, but you get the general idea. All in all, the Christmas season was extremely enjoyable, and all the more so because my favorite sister, Brenda, was here from Dallas for four days. She's totally the coolest ever. Totally.
I don't remember the span of time between Christmas and New Years too well. It seems like I spent a fair amount of time away from the house, but I can't for the life of me remember what I did. While I was here, I watched all my new movies. I watched Breakfast Club twice in a row one day, just for the hell of it. One day, Torie and I went shopping in Anderson, and then she and Derrick came over, and we got really drunk and played LOTR Trivial Pursuit. I completely kicked their asses, it was awesome! I mean, Torie has only seen each of the movies once, so that was no big accomplishment, but Derrick is a big LOTR fan. So there! Then for New Years, Torie and I threw a party and once again got completely pissed. I drank more at that party than I ever have in my life. I remember the evening surprisingly well considering the state I was in. We made lots and lots of prank phone calls, and they were totally hilarious. This one kid, Chris, does perfect impressions of Beavis and Butthead, so he was calling people and doing that. Oh gah, SO funny! And after the festivities, Torie and I called people that we actually knew and screamed "Happy New Year!" into the phone repeatedly. And I'm pretty sure I called Alisha and left her one of those drunken "I love you so so much!" messages, but I'm not 100% on that. Oh, and we also got her brother Will to make us some tater tots because we were too drunk to work the oven. So he did and we ate them while watching Napolean Dynamite, which was--needless to say--much funnier than usual. Oh yeah, I got Napolean Dynamite, by the way. I got it the morning it came out. Because I am obsessed.
Oh yeah, and also during my LJ hiatus, I got to see the Kill Bill movies for the first time, and they are SO FREAKIN' AWESOME! I've watched Volume One about ten times in the last two weeks. It's pretty sad. I've only watched the second one once, though, because BB makes me weep. Seriously.
So I think that's about it for right now. If anybody is still interested, I have been working on part 33 of My Feral Days off and on for about two weeks now. It is coming very slowly, but then again most important chapters do. Hint hint. So...right. I suppose I'll post it when it's finished if anybody actually wants to read it. Now I'm off to change my layout.