First I just want to go squee for a moment because I just saw a Twilight trailer on the actual TV! SQUEEE! I cannot wait for this movie. Only 23 days left! The rest of the things are under the cuts
I went to the NaNoWriMo kick-off party in my area on Monday night. I had a blast! I didn't particularly want it to end. I also met a few new people who were awesome. Two of them, Maddie and Hanna go to the Arts School, while Emily works at Vitamin World and Maya is a fifteen year old who looks like she's seventeen or eighteen. We did this fun exercise/writing game where we wrote out fourteen questions that we then sent around the table and as people answered your questions, it created a character. Then we had to do a prewrite using all the elements we had about the character. Oh, and we only had five minutes to do so. I got ten into mine. Her name was Serena Humperdink. And there were zombies and a drunk man yelling Freebird! We also got some November survival kits with chocolate and various teas. Our table had a fun time chatting with each other and there weren't really any awkward silences. I can't wait until November!
I saw a new Harry Potter trailer yesterday while I was procrastinating on my Frankenstein essay (more on that further down). I loved it and it rekindled my interest in the movie at a time when I am solely focused on the Twilight movie. I think my favorite part was the end where Hermione smacked Harry for saying he was the Chosen One and he's like "right, sorry. Kidding". That was priceless. I also got to see a new clip for Twilight recently. It was the new Lunchtime scene. I actually spent the first time watching it just searching to see if I was there because I remember being there. Then I watched it again, listened to what was going on and I am just ecstatic about the movie. I cannot wait for November!
I had to write a Frankenstein essay for English last night. Technically I had like two weeks to write it, but I spent a long time in finishing the book (I'm so close to the end right now). By the way, this books sucks. Everyone dies, so there's not really a happy ending. I find myself feeling really sorry for the creature but Frankenstein spends the entire book trying to kill him. I just couldn't get into it. Anyway I spent about two hours cranking out a paper last night. Apparently though, I am pretty good at writing out my thoughts because even through it was a little rough at the end, my peer editing group liked the paper. I am just glad that I have an essay as a starting point.
I think that's everything for right now.
Stay sharp people