Missing Melodies: Used

Jun 09, 2011 22:54

Author: Bella
Rating: PG
Challenge:  Chocolate Custard #12 (Used To - Daughtry), Peach #14 (no matter how you slice it)
Toppings/Extras: Pocky chain
Word Count: 375
Story Arc: Missing Melodies [ Characters/ Index]
Timeline: N/A
Title: Used To
Summary: Life becomes harder.
Notes: All the lyrics are in italics and are from Used To by Daughtry. This is for the Dance Party Weekend for the Bunny Hop challenge.

You used to talk to me like/I was the only one around

pairing: ryan/jasper, rats: peach, character: ryan smith, pairing: lily/eric, rats: pocky chain, character: romeo jackson, character: lily holloway, rats: chocolate custard, original: missing melodies, character: alex holloway, pairing: alex/romeo, character: jasper bennet

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