Attention all Agents !
Most of you will probably have heard of the sad news that the LIA & SBS has recently lost one of their finest Agents ; Boogey Enrique Gallagher OBE ( LIA #0057 ), aka Agent Skywalker ( Hon. Brigadier ).
Boogey was one of the more “lively” members on LJ in the old days, he didn’t always get on with his “Apes” and generally his answer to anything was to “keel it deed” - he also briefly joined the SBS, and then more recently was on Furbook.
I’ve had a look at some of his old journals, and to be honest it was a bit difficult to understand sometimes as he used a strange language called “Ameribun” - but they are well worth a read.
Boogey also became a Husbun when he was weeded to the love of his life, Una - and they dueted together in “All I Ask Of You”
He was also responsible for some other great Bunny Tunes, including ; “Boogeys Sweater Song” ; “Gimme More Cilantro” ; “I Wanna Dance With Somebunny” and “When Roomba Comes Around” amongst others.
Boogey will be missed, and I’m proud to award him “ The Lagomorphia Star “ - enjoy your “Rabbit Skywalk”.
Will all Agents raise a paw in salute ….. and at ease everybun.
Over & Out,
Billy ( SBS Adjutant )