Harry Potter, Meet Jack Shephard

Apr 07, 2008 16:37

This morning, I slipped on a cat toy and fell on my ass, really fuckin' hard. I need some Dr. Jack attention, stat!

So, last night, I was lying in bed actively engaged in a standoff with my constant nemesis, Insomnia, and stupid thoughts started piling up in my over-taxed brain. Like the following bit of stupid shit that shouldn't be taken seriously, but is merely me exercising my right to be a moron.

Because, dude, I excel in that field.

Anyway, here's me proving that Jack can be tied into absolutely ANYTHING if you try hard enough...

  • Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone = Jack Shephard & the Black Rock
  • Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets = Jack Shephard & the Swan Hatch
  • Harry Potter & the Prizoner of Azkaban = Jack Shephard & the Prisoner of Otherton
  • Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire = Jack Shephard & the Bottle of Vodka
  • Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix = Jack Shephard & the Order of Dharma (or, Team Jack)
  • Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince = Jack Shephard & the Half-Blood Sibling (Claire)
  • Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows = Jack Shephard & the Deadly Island

OK, done being stupid now.
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