I hope everyone has had a nice weekend. I know I certainly have, as I went to visit my very good friend Ralph at his uni. I went up on friday (the train stopped at the town I grew up in, which was a very bizarre feeling) and came back yesterday evening.
On friday we went to see Coraline in 3D. That was an amazing film, so incredibly unique and imaginative and very dark and twisted. Well, it was bound to be since it was written by Neil Gaiman. It's meant to be a kids film, but if I had seen that when I was little it would have scared the living daylights out of me! In fact it still did a little bit even though I'm a "grown-up".
Anyways, then we went out on what was essentially a pub crawl, although it was very civilised. No one got drunk, picked a fight, slept with someone inappropriate or threw up. I discovered that grenadine = lush, and that I'm not as much of a lightweight as I thought I was. I haven't really drunk anything for about 2 years, so the ammount of cocktails I drank *should* have been a massive shock to the system, but I didn't even get tipsy. Weird. Although Ralph did claim he had been spiking them with pure water, so that might explain it. The night was also a rather nice boost to my ego. Ralph's friend Matt somehow managed to steer the conversation to dating and sex and so on, and informed us of his 'magic number'. He then asked what mine was, now I'm completely incapable of lying so I just admitted that that would be a big fat zero. He then spent about 10 minutes refusing to believe me, and when Ralph assured him it was indeed true (he'd tried haha) he spent another 10 minutes protesting that I was far too gorgeous etc for that to be true, and he couldn't understand it etc. haha So yes, that definitely made me a happy girl, as I will admit that sometimes it bothers me a little. *shrugs* Oh well.
On saturday we went for a walk around some nice fields behind the campus, decided they would be a good place for a BBQ so went and got some supplies and went back and then just stayed there for the rest of the day. It was lovely, we made BBQed chocolate bananas (which I managed to get all over the one pair of jeans I had packed for the weekend, doh!) and various meat related things. Then we made a fire, spooned up under the blanket (with Ralph in the middle between Matt and I, haha) and watched the stars. It really was lovely.
Then on sunday I left Ralph lazing in bed and met up with
fredbassett and
lukadreaming for lunch, where I had a jolly good time talking about wholesome and appropriate things that normal people talk about... *shifty eyes*
Thankfully Dad didn't seem too bothered that I didn't spend fathers day with him, haha. I got him a card... What more does he want? hehe
Today my mother took me shopping *again*. This time she bought me a pair of shoes to go with my suit, an amazing pair of £1 sunglasses, some bright orange makeup and some big rollers so I can try doing vintage hairstyles.
I saw in New Look the most amazing hairband that I wanted so so so so badly, but it was £12 and I'm not quite sure I'm brave enough to wear it, as I'm worried people might laugh at me. It was kind of like a fascinator, but it had a mini straw boater hat attached to the hairband. It was epic, and I loved it. Perhaps I will go back and get it... But then, it's a bit expensive if I'm then not brave enough to wear it very often... Hmm.
Tomorrow I really really really *really* must start job hunting. I've just been putting it off and putting it off out of fear but that is really not a good plan and must stop. *wags finger at self*