2015 Fanfic Review Meme

Dec 30, 2015 16:17

Total Number of Fandoms, Pairings, Stories and Word Count:
Fandoms: 5 (Once Upon A Time, Lost Girl, Legend of the Seeker, The Flash, and The Librarians)
Pairings: For OUAT mostly Emma/Regina, Ruby/Regina and Ruby/Emma/Regina, then lots of other random femslash pairings for drabbles and ficlets. For the others, Kahlan/Cara, Patty/Iris and Eve/Cassandra.
Stories: Over 60. Lost Girl - 2 (although they're both crossovers with OUAT), Legend of the Seeker - 1, The Flash - 1, The Librarians - 3, Once Upon A Time - over 50 (I can't be bothered to count all the drabbles and ficlets)
Total word count: 117249

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Holy shit more, so so much more. Like, what? I am blown away by how much I wrote. What the heck. Those statistics are from AO3 and there are actually a few things I wrote that I haven't put up there so there's actually slightly more even than that! That's insane.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
To be honest, anything other than OUAT! My obsession was strong right up until the train wreck that was season 5. So yeah I'm surprised any other fandoms even got a look in.

My favorite story this year (of my own):
IT'S SO HARD TO PICK JUST ONE! So I'll pick a couple…
Two Jewel Thieves Walk Into A Heist - Ruby/Regina jewel thieves AU which sinksanksockie drew amazing accompanying fanart for.
Fingers in Noses - Ruby/Emma/Regina in which Regina takes a moment to appreciate her family, and this is the fic that started my whole Red Swan Queen family series I've got going on and was the introduction of Isabella and Liliana, their two daughters who may or may not be heavily inspired by my friend's kids…

Did you take any writing risks this year?
Not massive ones. I guess starting a multi-chapter story (which I haven't managed to finish yet) counts as a risk given that I usually only write one-shots and drabbles. And I wrote a few angsty things, which is not my usual style.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Write less OUAT, more other fandoms. I especially want to write more Eve/Cassandra, and I reeeeally want to start writing Kara/Cat because I am supertrashco.

My best story this year:
I am so beyond proud of Fire Meet Gasoline (Swan Queen fic set right after the season 4 finale). It is a completely different style than I usually write, and I think it's quite beautiful, and yeah, I'm just really really proud of it.

I'm also really proud of The Art of Corruption, which is one of the longest one-shots I've written. It's an 8k fic about evil!Ruby slowly corrupting young Queen Regina.

Oh and Fighting Fate, a Swan Queen soulmates fic where everyone has the first words their soulmate says to them tattooed on their wrists, because that would explain why Emma's face looks like she's declaring her love when she says "Hi…" IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!

My most popular story of this year:
Thank you for your application for the role of girlfriend, by a long way with over 4k hits and nearly 500 kudos. I made a silly girlfriend application graphic for Emma to Regina and it was kind of popular on Tumblr, so I thought I should fic it before anyone else did. It was fluffy and smutty and has like twice the number of kudos as my second most popular fic, Fighting Fate.

Story most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Two Jewel Thieves Walk Into A Heist, but that's probably just because I love it so much, and Fire Meet Gasoline, again just because I'm so proud of it I feel like it should be my most popular fic rather than somewhere in the middle.

Most fun story to write:
Pretty much all the winter Swan Queen Week fics, because I LOVE TROPES. I've written 3 body swap fics this year, one for each of my fave OUAT ships. Also Truth Will Out and The Best Laid Plans of Mistletoe and Men because I love meddlesome Zelena quite a very lot.

Most sexy story:
Well, Librarians Do It Better is a collection of three unrelated Eve/Cassandra porn ficlets, so probably that one…

Story with the single sexiest moment:
The New Bug, when Emma pushes Regina up against the car in the rain and they make out and then sexytimes happen in the car… Excuse me I need a moment.

Story with the single funniest moment:
Hmm this one's hard because I think the majority of my stories are supposed to be funny, but I don't think any of them are like 'laugh out loud' funny, more just 'make you smile' funny. So maybe Truth Will Out, where Zelena puts a truth serum in everyone's drinks? Oh or I'd Rather Be In Regina, where Ruby wears a tshirt that says that and Snow finds out her daughter is dating both Ruby and Regina?

Story with single sweetest moment:
This is a tie between the kisses in Safe In Our Pillow Fort and The Couple of the Ball. I'm rotting my own teeth just thinking about them.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Hmm I'm not sure, maybe some of my drabbles/ficlets with more obscure pairings. Like I loved you back then, you know which is Emma/Lily leading to Emma/Regina. I should write more Lily actually, since I'm so annoyed about her treament in canon. Although, let's face it, what am I not annoyed about in canon?

Hardest story to write:
Accidentally In Love, my one and only multi-chapter fic. I'm just too concise for multi-chapter and not great at plot, so it's taking me a while (even though I have the whole plot already lined up in my head, I'm just struggling to get it out).

Biggest Disappointment:
How To House Train Your Wolf. In my head it was supposed to be really really funny, but I don't think it came out that way. Plus it was an exchange fic, and so obviously I wanted it to be extra good so that the recipient would like it.

Biggest Surprise:
Not a fic, but getting kudos from THREE of my favourite fanfic authors!!! AND the fact that 53 people have subscribed to me as a user… Like, what? Fifty three whole people want to know when I write a new story?!? Whaaaaat?!?

Most surprisingly telling story:
I have no idea, not even sure I understand what the question is asking! Sorry.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
I'm pretty vanilla really, so the closest I've got to that is She's not your Emma either, you know. In which Emma arrives from the past to find the Dark Swan seducing Regina and the angstiest threesome ever ensues. I am first and foremost a fluff writer, so angsty porn is unusual from me.

Easiest story to write:
Surprisingly, Fire Meet Gasoline. It just flowed out of me all in one go.

Easiest character to write:
Emma. I just find it quite easy to find her voice.

Hardest character to write:
Regina, just because I love her so much and I read so many fics where I feel she's OOC that I always worry about whether I'm getting her voice right or not.

Favorite character to write:
Zelena. I love her so much. Plus because she has a British accent I can relax while writing her because I don't have to watch my vocab, she talks like me.

This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most:
How many different ways can I find to get Emma and Regina together? I have no idea. I'm not sure I really had a theme for the year. It's really quite a mixed bag, some smut, some angst, some plot, but I guess mostly fluff and humour.

Side Note:
I would also just like to take a moment to say thank you to the three people who have encouraged me the most in my writing this year. Dear soulofsilence, misslestrange and thewalkingswen THANK YOU! Your kind words about my fic have meant so so much to me and it makes me so happy any time I see that you've liked something I wrote.

And to every single person who has read any of my fic, thank you as well! I hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

fangirling, fictitious

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