Things what I made

Aug 06, 2015 17:00

So... I made myself a massive pair of Maleficent inspired horns! Now I just need an excuse to wear them somewhere...

Okay so these bad boys started out life as two blocks of florist foam. Like so.

I chose florist foam because it would be light weight and easy to carve. Half way through carving them I realised that they kind of looked like a GIANT MUSTACHE. This amused me greatly.

But then I carved them a bit more and made them look more like turds than a 'tache.

Then I painted them with 3 layers of gesso to give me a base to paint on top of. If I make anything like this again in the future I won't do this, instead I'll do a layer of papermache, because they were still really rough & with little air holes even after 3 layers of gesso.

Then I painted them using normal acrylic paints and a stipple sponge.

And then I super glued them to a headband. Voila! Finished horns.

I think I got the angles kind of wrong really, so I'm not completely happy with them. They stick up too much when I wanted them to be more going backwards. But they're not bad for a first attempt at making something like this, and I definitely learned how to do it better next time.

Next thing I make will be a unicorn horn for sure.


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