i dont know what i did wrong. i was a good dog.. i WAS.
so after everything that happened before? (see prior post) we finally went to the vet. now i thought they would pet me and my poor nose and maybe yell at the cats...
ok, they did pet me...
but the doctor came in and he kept poking me.. and he pulled at my back legs, and hardly looked at my nose.. and then he wanted to look at my TEETH! (at least he said they were nice teeth). ok, i guess he was ok.. he said i was a fine beautiful dog. but why did he poke at my back legs? well he gave me something he called freeze dried beef liver. i like that!!!! he mostly talked to
fabricdragonthe girl human who walks me....
and i thought we were done and then a lady came in .
i thought she just wanted to pet me, she asked if i was friendly and then she held my face up.. i thought maybe she wanted to squish my face (which i dont like so much but a lot of humans do it)....
she fired GOO right up my NOSE!!!!!
goo... in my nose...
THEN we got to go back in the car.. and then i had to sit with the boy human (
whouseknecht) because i didnt have a "vest" while the girl human got her medicine.
i only finally got home
they fired goo up my nose!