Dec 28, 2010 17:00
A brand new acquaintance, one whom I would have never expected any type of connection with, randomly mentioned that we are now in that period between Christmas and New Years. He penned it as "Now comes the oddly metaphysical interlude between two mythological births (Christ and the New Year)..."
This struck me as an extremely interesting statement considering I have always felt a magical essence between those two dates and always wondered why it happens to be exactly one week between them. Apparently, I must do my research on this.
But let's face it, it has been a tremendously Scroog-y Holiday Season this 2010. Blame on the dare I say it - ECONOMY? Loard knows MONEY always has something to do with why people are upset these days... or has it really got to do with the extremely thrifty mentality that a good chunk of the population has so willingly inherited?
So, I ask you again, Economical issue or Social issue? I'll let you do the dissecting for yourself.
All I know is that we are in a pickle, be it Economically, Socially, progressively what have you, and I say a good ol' Metaphysical magic will definitely help stirr up the mood of this dreary season.
But on a more down-to-earth view, I do believe that it all boils down to energy. Like, the energy that we give and receive on a moment to moment basis. There's a wonderful transference that occurs between beings when individuals are joyful and they share this with one another. On the other hand we all know how it can get when energies have risen due to discontent... and that my friends is the pickle right there.
Discontentment is a pretty heated word. It's most probably layers upon layers of hurt and let downs that a Being has experienced. Now take that to the collective level to say the size of Asia and hello you've got a whopping multitude of energies shooting here and there. Suffice to say that Energy is just that, plain energy. So what's the fuss right? There has been a lot of talk of "keeping that positive energy going" etchetera etcetera so what's the deal? What I guess they are all trying to say is "No matter what - just keep going and don't let anything stop you."
Good Point. That seems to be the necessary Cheerleader for this moment in time. I do have to say that it isn't everything. Positivity is good but in order to balance things out there needs to be BOTH. It's clearly the Yin and Yang at play here people. Isn't that what makes the circle go round? The point is that really, the World isn't worse than it was before, like during your great grandmothers time. It just seemed better then because progress came much slower and since we are literally living in the period of mass production, globalization and the internet, things have sped up so quickly we don't even remember how we got here in the first place.
It's all been about the tangible, physical changes, you know, that whole to "See (literally) is to Believe". I still commend humanity for even getting this far although, in the whole hoolabaloo of running that race, we neglected the parts of humanity that took their time, stopped, looked, and listened.
The "Connective" or Spiritual aspect if you will, is what has been neglected. I guess that's what the famous Mayans & Egyptians were able to achieve hence their mysterious disappearance...hehehe
So I'd like to close by firstly wishing you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS from the bottom of this bubbly heart of mine and on a more serious note, I would also like to humbly ask you, is there a Being out there you would like to make amends with? A Being you would like to transform a situation with? A Being you would like to lift that connectivity with again? If there happens to be a lucky one, go for it, really you have absolutely NOTHING to lose...just gentle. :)
After all, you never know what could happen... MAGIC is in the Air, all you gotta do is believe.