Feb 07, 2006 22:32
What a weekend, and this week has already been interesting. Immaturity is taking over the best of people. It seems like people are just putting out other's business as if it was their own. Between break-ups, the future and the past, keep personal business to yourselves.
After a certain fall out, I am mysteriously ok about everything. I do not feel one scence of guilt, I don't wish that anything was different and i'm glad that I got A LOT off my chest! I have been holding things to myself for the longest time, and it all came out finally. I am such a better person now and I love it!
Regaurding my last post, it was regaurding the significant other. When I wrote that, I was going through the whole "all that I did was not good enough" kind of feeling. All is well now! I'm still upset of how I was treated after 2 months of hard work, but life goes on and I am not the kind that holds a grudge. So I hope that cleared up the maddness!
I am more tired than anything so i'm going to bed. Goodnight <3