Dec 05, 2004 15:10
This guy fried, and he saw jesus, but he was also staring at toast for an hour, but man, he convinced me.
So I was walking down the street, and this chick who ate a whole bunch of Calimari totaly farted and it reaked like to no end. So I ask her, dude, what did you eat? And she tried to blame it on her dog, who was currently turning to a nice shade of purple, with these huge green fucking eyes!
So I was like Lady, I think you're ass reak is like killing you're dog!! And then she pulled this giant candy cane out of her small purse and whacked her dog with it until he went back to his normal self. At this point, I decided I needed to get the hell out of that friggin circus, because fuck, you don't go to the zoo, and see a pink flyin fuckin orangotang with an oversized exploding cigar hangin out of the corner of his mouth, and not expect to see some feces fly!
After leaving that freakish pet shop, this headless barbie was just chillin there stuck in the gutter drain. I promptly grabbed my neon gloves in order to retrieve her without catching that horrible glakobous virus from those god awful alligtors that live in the sewer. I then decided to take her home, and on my nice walk through the bright warm and shiny rain, I named her Stella after my psycodellic ballerina friend that had shot herself out of a cannon in a hot pink tutu, and was never heard from again.
I thought it was only right.