Aug 17, 2004 21:41
well the whole day today i was just listening 2 music..thats the thing that makes me feel good and gets my mind of things..then i wanted 2 go 2 the gym and then swim then sshower
over by here in my im about 2 go, then vanessa calls and were on the phone for like 1/2/1 hour..and shes like i wanna go she comes over w/ food and drinks,i wasnt that hungry but then i knew i had 2 eat we go 2 the pool,eat , and then came home..and chilled 4 a lil bit then she left at the EXACT time my mom came over..its not like shes not allowed but that was just weird. then my mom brings me PIZZA..i was like ahhh fuck, i just ate pizza..but i hadnt eaten 4 like a long time and my mom was telling me 2 eat something, so i just ate like the salad and 1 slice..after that i felt like throwing up like sooo bad but i didnt,and i still feel like it..i feel like im gonna im being 2 dramatic...ohh and get this! i had eyeliner laying around and i had lost the cap 2 it so i just wrapped it in a piece of paper thingie..and my mom picks it up and asks "what is this"...she thought it was like a blunt or something..i was like wtf??? 1st: i dont do that shit
2nd:even if i did...i wouldnt leave it out like that..
i thot it was kinda funny but ya..newayz im tiredd as fuckk im outtie