Nov 21, 2004 03:05
*Why is it that some people ditch their friends for their boyfriends or girlfriends? i mean, it'd be one thing if like someone said, "oh i'm sorry, i can't make plans like that because i already made plans with my boyfriend or girlfriend" ...but it's a completely different thing when someone just up and decides to ditch their friend DURING the plans they already made with their friends. ...and then when they doesn't even apologize, now that's just a load of BS. am i right?
*Mmm, "feeling-lonesome" moments that sneak up on me...
*Talking things out is so much better than just thinking them and not saying them.
*Why is it that some guys think it's no big deal to sign offline during the middle of the conversation without even a warning? ...cough cough matt and tradd. haha
*What is it about climbing to the top of a pineapple fountain (that's running cold water in the freezing cold air of the night) when you're drunk? ...hmm, maybe i should ask that man that was at the waterfront park tonight haha tara, erika, and katie.
*Dissatisfaction really, and i mean, REALLY sucks.
*I'm missing watching SATC...not like missing the episode right now, seeing as how it's 3:08 am...but see, I'm so addicted that I rent the episodes and watch them whenever I get the urge...and I'm almost done with season 4 now. I would have finished it by now, but a week ago when i finished the third set of episodes from season 4 I got kind of annoyed by the way things were going and decided that i'd take a break. but now i've got the urge again...and i don't have the final set of episodes dammit. ggrrizzle. lord, i need help haha. ...but really, the show is good. ...John says I look like Charlotte, and that's oh so hot...'cause she's really pretty. He also told me I act like Carrie, which is so true, but not as hot...'cause she's so fickle and thinks waaaaaaaay too much about anything and everything. And those aren't particularily good qualities. She's quite the, yea, I am like her. lol.
*I find it magnificent that i can discuss SATC with a boy...the fact that John watches it is grand! lol.
*HAHA...i just had a memory glance...ya know, where like a memory just randomly pops into your head. yep, this one was about the other night. Meredyth, John, Chris, and I were waiting for like a half hour up in the box office on Friday night before the game...and the band kept playing random, old tunes...ones from Dirty Dancing and like YMCA. It was so great...I mean, if there was a video camera up there us, I would die because we were doing some wacky, out-of-this-world dance moves. It was a great way to rid us of our nervousness of singing the national anthem at the playoff game. We were great though, i must gloat! Everyone gave us compliments all night throughout the was hot. Yea, but the dancing, oh lord, it was hilarious!
*I've realized that I say "grand" and "hot" alot haha. The "hot" part makes me sound like Paris
...k...i'm kinda tired now that it's 3:25 am ...i'm sucha night owl.
<3 KeL*
p.s. missin' a certain someone.