aww, see, i really am an least according to this quiz i am! hehe.

Jan 13, 2005 23:57

You Are 80% Pure!

0 - 19% Pure: If you haven't tried it, it probably hasn't been invented yet.

20 - 39% Pure: You haven't every kinky thing in the world, but you aim to!

40 - 59% Pure: You're a bit of a closet pervert. Who knows what else is in your closet? ;-)

60 - 79% Pure: There's a wild beast in you... somewhere. Let it free

80 - 100% Pure: You're not as innocent as you look - but still pretty innocent!

How Pure Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Yay for me 'cause i'm eighty percent pure! hehe. i'm your every day angel...can't you see the halo! lol. and i promise, i did n-o-t lie. go to the site and try the quiz yourself and you'll see why i'm an angel...some of those ?'s...whooeee. yea, a bit much. lol.
love y'all, KeL*
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