
Jan 04, 2008 11:52

I like paper. Paper is really good. I like the fact that it can be used in such a variety of ways. People through history who also seem to have liked paper: Cai Lun, William Shakespeare, Alan Parchment And The Origami Birds. People through history who did not seem to like paper: Anthony Comstock, Hitler, Alanis Morisette.

I like to write. I don't usually do that directly on paper, but I do hope that my words will be in print some day. Hopefully not in the way of a desperate, domesticated journalist. That is my nightmare fate of honours. First and foremost, I like to read. And to save up on paper, I've decided to keep my list of paper I want to get hold of right here, and cross them off as time goes along.

This is a bucket list of works I wish to get a hold of. Please don't be intimidated by its size, I do all I can to work it down to a minimum.

[The list has been moved here for future reference.]

I'm reading The Lord of the Rings now. Yesterday I went between that and MTV's evening agenda of Pimp My Ride, South Park and Jackass. It felt strange, and slightly insulting. In one way I'm quite happy Tolkien isn't alive. He wouldn't like it here. What with him hating machines and everything, particularly. I can see his discomfort. Think about it. We could have been Elves and Hobbits. Living on paper.


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