
Aug 10, 2010 00:07

hey all. did nothing today really. ouveanna came over for a little at like 230 and we watched joy ride and talked..then at 430 she left and nicole came and picked me up and we went to the movies..for the zillionth time going to the movies, but connectcuit has nothing better to do. so. and plus, i didnt have to pay because i had no money lol. well, my last entry was rather depressing, long and boring, but hey. i have to get it out somewhere. this seems to be the place. i have to watch what i say on here because i dont know how to make it "friends only" so users can only see, so i have to watch what i say about certain things. well..i have nothing else to add except school starts soon, and im really not looking forward to it AT ALL. i mean not at all. i hate my school, i really really hate my school. and im one of those people who dont like very many people unless theyre really nice to me. i hated soo many people this year and i had a big mouth so im going to change opening my mouth, but im still going to like who i want ya know? and i am hoping this year there wont be as many distractions as i had this year..for some reason i had so many distractions..but oh well. and i really am going to focus on my grades this year..im gonna go tho ttyl all

aka Jen
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