WhEn We LaUghF AnD wE CrY iTs ToGeThEr..ThRu The RaIn And ThE StoRmiEsT WeAthEr <33(haha hurricanes)

Aug 14, 2004 18:49

Hey bitches(in andy dick voice)haha hess soo funny he makes me chuckle..well 2day i was awakend at 9 am from Billy over the intercom haha not fun!..Then woke up had my muffin...and received a phone coll..Balled my eyes out as usual..Matt wasnt gunna come home untill tuesday..so i was tweekin..then later i calmed down got my agressions out by listenin 2 ashlee simpson. Then i went out with ale haha it was funn..i hadn't seen her in so long!..we saw lil babies get there ears peirced..ppl getting massages..and ugly boots haha..it was kute..i bought sum hot shyt she bought sum perfumee..then matt colled me to inform me hes comein home monday..alright well thats better than tuesday! thankgod..sumthyn good outa this depressin week!..alright well im gunna go nap im wickeed tierd.. xoxox
<3yOu MaKe Me WaNnA lA lA
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