Mar 28, 2006 21:01
Oh, and to add to the Unbelievable Funtasticness of this week...
Sunday morning I woke up to a woman screaming for help outside my apartment. I went outside with my bathrobe on inside out and saw a woman standing next to a man on the stairs of the apartment building across from mine, and she looked at me, and said, "Please, call 911." I said, "I will be right back." Went inside to grab my phone and put some clothes on as quick as I could (because I was completely naked other than for the bathrobe) and ran back outside, and... she was gone. I looked at the man who'd been standing next to her and asked him where she'd gone. He said he didn't know. OK. Fucked up. I went back inside, locked my door, and called 911. They told me someone was already on the way and got off the phone with me. So I called the non-emergency police number. The woman got the details from me, confirmed my name and phone number, and then told me that the woman I'd seen had been raped.
"Oh my god," I said, and we ended the call.
I still have no idea what happened. Don't know if she lives here and someone broke in, don't know if someone who lives here took her home and did it, nothing. I checked the headlines in the paper yesterday and today, and there was nothing.
I know that if he did break in and wasn't caught, it's extremely unlikely that he'll do this again in the same apartment complex. But I haven't been sleeping easily, and I'm wary about going out alone after dark. Mostly because (and in my opinion this is the most fucked up thing of all) out of all the people that must have heard her screaming, only two people came out to help her; me and that other guy. That's IT. And you can't convince me that no one was home at 7:30am on a Sunday morning. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Oh, and to add to this, there is a serial killer loose in Daytona, where my family lives. Good times, folks. Good fucking times.
Edit: I feel I should add, obviously, we weren't the only people that were willing to help her. Someone must have taken her into their apartment and watched over her, and probably a couple of people called the police. But initially? Yeah, just the two of us.
Also, Shannon commented that the woman does in fact live in this complex, and that it was likely that she knew her rapist.