(I'm sorry for the poster in portuguese, all the other ones were too big)
So, I went to the movies and now I'm annoying everyone because that's what I do everytime I'm hugely surprised with a movie! XD I wasn't very interested in watching Agora because I'm not a fan of historical movies and the information I had available wasn't very enthusiastic, but oh boy, what a movie!! It will make you think deeply about religion and the human nature, which, to be honest, is somehting that I love.
Besides that, it has a wonderful art direction, a fantastic soundtrack and great performances. Another thing I love: descovering talent in people I never heard of! ^^ Oh, and I had to control my nerd side once I saw George Harris in there, because I totally wanted to scream "KINGSLEY!!" once he appeared! XD
Oh, and that ending!! Jesus Christ, I almost passed out at the ending! O.O It was something so... I don't know what to say about it, my friends freaked out after it and we spend the entire night talking about it, but it was just perfect. One of best endings ever!
Can't wait to have this one at home. *-*
Oh well... I should start making movie reviews, with lots of spoilers and so on. Maybe in Summer.
Enjoy the trailer:
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