The moon of Joana

Jul 03, 2009 17:07

(by Maria Teresa Maia Gonzalez)

"There's no one at home. I think I'll call someone. Maybe Rita. Lucas is a great company, but he doesn't talk... Maybe in some years, with the progress of technology, they can give dogs a human voice. And everyone will feel less alone."

I know this is a portuguese book, but I (re)discovered it some days ago and I need to express my extreme love and passion for this story.

A Lua de Joana (The Moon of Joana, in a crappy translation =P)  sets in the early 90's and it's a collection of letters that 14-year-old Joana wrote to her best friend Marta, who died due to an overdose. What started as a way for Joana to express the grief and the pain after such a cruel and unbelievable loss, soon becomes the only thing that keeps her sane - feeling more and more alone in the world, Joana is only seeking for someone who can realize that she's falling apart, who can save her from her own destruction before it's too late. But her parents never had the time... her brother only cares about his own world... her friends seem to be so far away now...

Joana was trying to understand Marta's choice; and suddenly things become clear!

Tender and inspiring, this story is a lesson that everyone should learn. It could happen to anyone you know. It could even happen to you.

"Now he had all the time in the world. For what?"

book recs

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