
Jun 11, 2010 03:07


So world cup starts broadcasting (the game) in about 6 hours, and I'm totally going to try and stream it from work. ..hehe, we'll see how that goes, but yes. SO excited. Not so much for the opener South Africa vs. Mexico, my team is Germany ♥

Not sure about their line up for this year, and I'm really sad that Ballack isn't going to be's also sad that he got released from Chelsea too...D: Poor old guy. Oh well, I still have faith that Germany can do it!! I missed the FIFA opener tonight, and I'm not going to be able to catch the repeat in 3 hours, and that kind of saddens me, but it's okay. As long as I get to see the closing ceremonies, which are still agesss away, it will be fine.

I found my German flag, and I'm going to bring it in to work today :D Haha, gotta represent and show my colours lol. And it isn't like Canada, Jamaica, or China are in it, so there goes that...



football: i like it, sometimes i bleed black red and gold, bel: i am nocturnal, germany ftw

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