Jul 03, 2007 23:38
It is not fun in the least. It seems that no matter what I try, everything is going downhill in one way or another.
I am taking Biology this summer so that I do not have to take it next year, but the class cuts into my social time, which I had only just began to start to have again. The class is difficult and requires a lot of effort and energy. So, I have to get up at 7 or 7:30 in order to be ready to leave at 9 so I can be at school between 9:30 and 10, depending on traffic. The first half of the class (the lecture) is at 10, and it ends at 12. Then there is a 30 minute break, where I eat my lunch, which I had to make, of course, because the cafeteria is too far for me to get to and the food is to expensive for me to buy every day. Then the second half (the lab) of the class starts at 12:30, and then we do around 3 labs, which are all part of one exercise. This class ends at 2:30, at which point I finally get to go home. Once home, I get to spend around 2 to 4 hours doing the homework for both halves of the class. Which, by the way, are taught by different teachers, so they may not correlate in any way at all.
It is all very, very tiring.
Then my parents get home or my friends call, and I am either too tired to do anything or too busy with class to do anything at a decent time. So, everyone gets mad at me for not doing what they wanted me to do, even though I am working my butt off to do this class and do well in it.
And then there is this whole RP thing.
I want to do an RP. I really want to do an RP where someone else plays Snape, who is romantically involved with my character. But, not only can I not find anyone to do this romantic RP with me, I can't even get accepted to one, or find someone who simply wants to do an RP that is homosexual. I feel like I am unwanted and not talented and rather useless.
Also, I think I have a cold. I probably caught it from my father. Perhaps colds have mutated into not only colds, but depressing colds. They make you sick and depressed. What a horridly deadly thing that would be.