Wild Animal Park

May 19, 2007 21:16

My family and I traveled to the Wild Animal Park in San Diego, Ca today. It takes about an hour and a half to get down to San Diego, and a little less to get back, seeing as we were on the road at 9 o'clock at night.
It was absolutely wonderful, because it was a "replacement" birthday party for me, seeing as my Pirate Premiere plans were crushed. However, the reason for it's wonderfulness was the fact that my aunt-- whom I rarely see because she and my uncle and two cousins live in San Diego-- came up with the animal park idea. She payed for me (a free pass! Sweet!) and my cousin Elizabeth made burgers and huge mushrooms marinated in... something, for dinner, and I got an ice cream cake, and $50 dollars. Totally awesome.
Almost the whole gang went with us. My mom, dad, Gma, (Aunt) Gretchen, Elizabeth and I went to the animal park, and we came home to Lady (their dog) and my uncle Dale, and the only one missing was Johnny, but that's okay. He was at another birthday party. XDXD
Oh, Johnny is my cousin, not Johnny Depp. Just in case you are crazy and think I talk about that dude all the time or something. XDXD What? I could see the connection, so you should see it, too. XP
Well, it was an awesome present, and my aunt earned her place as awesome person of the year that isn't my mom or my dog. XDXD

In other news, people are liking my story! I've gotten reviews! Not a lot, compared to yous guys, but seeing as I hardly ever write stories, 3 reviews is pretty darn good! XDXD

In other news:
1) my dog was SOOOOOO happy to see me! It was adorable! He missed me all day long, and came and gave me and my parents hugs and kisses! Or, well, the dog version of hugs and kisses. Bounding tackles and licks. ^.^ Good thing he doesn't way much. Not even a sack a potatoes worth. XDXD
2) I am off to write me story! YAY! Dance for me, or I shall! ... Send you a pixelated fart of my father's, which smell horrid! XDXD

writing, birthday, wild animal park, story, fanfics, reviews, fanfiction

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