
May 08, 2007 14:43

First things first! I have that song from the Cheerios commercial stuck in my head: "Happiness runs in a circular motion, love is like a little boat upon the sea". Or is it life? Who knows? Not me! XD

Next, the important type shitte.

One! Day before yesterday I hung with my bff and it was awesome. We saw Hot fuzz, which was awesome. We made plans to go together to the Pirates 3 premiere, which will be awesome.
Yesterday I went to Acting (Ta1) and did pretty good on my monologue, but he had some suggestions. He always has suggestions, y'know? Well, I went home, took his suggestions, and perfected them. 'Cause he was trying to make an exerpt from a British play into an American thing. Not working. The whole thing sounds British! Even if you changed the word 'biscuit' to 'cookie' it would still sound British! So, instead of getting water, I'm getting tea. Instead of getting some weird juice powder to put into the water, I'm getting sugar. See? Then, when I state a list of things-- which does occur in the monologue-- I will use the act of picking up the sugar cubes and placing them in my cup of tea as a way to add humor and punctuate each thing on the list. It is a long list. ^.^
So, I practiced this yesterday, and I think I've got it down. I couldn't find any sugar cube tongs at home, so I went to buy some, but only found ice tongs. America has so little culture. I went to a place filled with expensive plates and cutlery-- and only found ice and salad tongs. But, ice tongs will do.
Today I did Psychology homework and discovered interesting things, like when something occurs! First the thing occurs, then we think about it, then we feel an emotion, and then we react. ^.^ Only, this whole process happens usually within one second, but still. Pretty cool, man. The book had all sorts of theories, so I did my own tests, and found that this (what I just listed) is what happens to me. ^.^ Yay! I'm weird and obsessive!

Two! I went to the scale and-- I've lost around ten pounds in the past two weeks! Yay! I'm back to 178 or 179 or something! My scale is weird, and not digital, so I just go with generalizations.

Three! Tomorrow I have the final in acting, which I am prepared for, and then it is my birthday! And on my birthday I will be going to the Zoo! Yay! Hurrah! Mozeltov! Banzai! Harri Krishna!

acting, birthday, weight, culture, pirates 3 premiere, lost weight, culture-less america, happiness, monologue, psychology, happy, my birthday, hot fuzz, pirates 3

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