Oct 29, 2005 20:52
Well two journal entries in two weeks - this is just crazy.
I had a visit from my nan today and it really upset me. I wanted to write about it and vent a little. My nan lives only 10 minutes away so it's not unusual that she would drop in. She came by this afternoon and after about 15 minutes of small talk and asking if we would take her to the rodeo next week, she tells me that my brother and his family are moving in with her.
While this is partially great news in that she's still on the farm all by herself and this would mean she has help and company and no more nights alone. I find it very odd. He and his partner are going to move into a caravan with their two small children. They currently have quite a nice house, but are either going to rent it out or sell it. The children will be starting school next year. I can see this would make sense if there were no children. But it seems completely bizare to me that you would move them from their own home into a caravan.
Anyway after all this, she tells me that she will probably sell the farm next year because she needs to divide up the money. I told her that I could not imagine her being anywhere but the farm, and that as long as she wants to be there, she should be there. My grandad was not my real grandad - but he was the only one I knew. He was with my nan for my entire life. He died 4 years ago. When my nan and pop got together she had two children and he had three. His children have had no part in our lives. They didn't see him for about 10 years before he died. Only one of them came to see him when he was dying, and two didn't even come to the funeral. None of them have had anything to do with my nan since he died.
However - she feels that she should sell the farm and divide the money equally between the five children. I told her to do whatever she wants to do. They worked hard on the farm together, they earned it, why should she feel pressured to do anything. She said she wants to give us our money before she dies so we could pay it off the mortgage. I told her I didn't want her money and I would rather see her stay on the farm. When she started talking about selling the farm, I burst into tears. Then she burst into tears. She then went on to tell me how long she thinks she has left. It was all very upsetting.
She seems to feel this expectation that everyone expects their share of the value of the farm. I dont understand how anyone could feel entitled to someone else's property or money. Surely she can do what she wants with it? I would rather see her give it my brother and have him live there. At least this way the farm would stay in the family. I can't imagine not ever being able to go there. She is afraid that if she doesn't sell before she dies, pops three children will contest the will. Who would do such a thing? It all seems so mercenary. I wish she would by herself a new car, or take a trip to Europe. But she never would. She's very concerned about what "they" would think.
It makes me so angry to think that anyone should just expect to receive all that money, or anything... for no other reason than biology. I just dont understand.