
Jun 23, 2005 12:05

I wanted to write about this now while it was all fresh in mind. This hypnosis was a very bizarre experience. I don’t feel any closer to understanding my fear, and I’m definitely not over it today. The whole thing left me feeling a bit bewildered, and sad.

He spoke to me for about an hour about my dreams and what is going on my life. He asked me about what I do to unwind, (ride my horse), and what I think about when I do that (which is nothing specifically). After about an hour he says to me “I get a sense of a deep loneliness”. I thought “what the?”. I think this is what has upset me more than anything. I think of myself as a lot of things, but certainly not lonely. When do I have time to be lonely? I thought Greg would be more upset by this comment than he was.

Anyway he explained the process is more like a trance and that he could not make me do anything that would normally be against my character. He explained it as; he is going to teach me to go, where I go mentally when I ride, whenever I chose to.

So there was no gold fob watch, I told him this was disappointing. The whole time I was doing this, I could hear him, and was pretty aware of my surroundings. Most of the time I was thinking “This is bullshit BJ, just open your eyes, get up and walk out”. But I didn’t. I kept telling myself to open my eyes, but I didn’t. Through part of the process I was crying, I could feel tears running down my face, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Hmm what else did I learn? He said he can give me a word that will always encourage warm and fuzzy feelings. And that should I choose to start doing this on my own, this word will take me to good places. He chose the word, based on my conversations with him and he chose - Harvest. He said it was good because “harvest” has so many meanings. Not for me it doesn’t. There is just one. And it’s not a huge leap for the word Harvest to conjure up warm fuzzy feelings for me is it?

He told me that I strike him as someone who finds it hard to quieten their mind, and that being strong and capable is very important to me. No shit Sherlock 

He also said that I might have very vivid dreams after the process. Now I am already an extremely vivid dreamer - just ask my husband. So I didn’t take this warning seriously. However sometime during the night, I punched Greg pretty hard. It woke him up, but I just rolled over and went back to sleep. I remember exactly why I punched him and what I was dreaming about. But I asked him why he didn’t ask me what was wrong. He said “I knew you were dreaming, but I didn’t want to ask in case you hit me again. You hit me really hard. This hypnosis thing is great, let’s go back again”.

So as you can tell I’m not quite transformed. I felt pretty good last night, today I am tired and anxious and disbelieving. Blah!
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