Mar 30, 2022 11:32

character relationships.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum dui dolor, pretium non, laoreet at, feugiat id, velit. Nam euismod. Pellentesque lectus pede, faucibus eget, consectetur eu, auctor sit amet, erat. Fusce sed mi vel sapien tempor mattis. Aenean et pede. In viverra. In ac erat. Aliquam felis.



character relationships.

Sokka is Jim's best bro. They arrived on the MS Elegante together on the same day and went through a lot of shit together before they found themselves in Sacrosanct together. They confide in each other enough that Jim trusts him, but still not enough to tell him everything he probably should. As of now, they're still settling into the new area with Kimiko.

withanokka played by Katu.

Hiccup is Jim's other bro from the Elegante, except the Hiccup in Sacrosanct doesn't have a clue who he is. He's never heard of the Elegante or either of the boys, so Jim's having to deal with that loss of a close friend. Right now, he's trying to avoid Hiccup.

talkingfishbone played by Blu

Kimiko is another passenger brought over from the MS Elegante. Jim only spoke to her on the cruise ship a few times, but her companionship is invaluable now that they're in Sacrosanct. She's been there longer than he and Sokka and is from further in the Elegante timeline than either of them. As of now, they're staying with her until they get their heads on straight.

robodidactic played by Mica

!cr chart, !ooc

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