Player Information
Name: Tash
Age: Eighteen.
AIM SN: go fool yourself
email: lythdan[at]gmail[dot]com
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Here it is! Character Information
Canon Source: Harry Potter
Canon Format: Book series
Character's Name: Luna Lovegood
Character's Age: Sixteen.
What form will your character's NV take? Luna's NV will take the form of an old journal, with text entries being written/read on the pages of the book, voice and video sounding/displayed from where there ought to be a photo on the cover, and any holograms will also be emitted from this same space!
Character's Canon Abilities: Luna is a witch! In the Harry Potter universe, magical children are (usually) sent to school from the ages of ~11-17, where they are taught to control and utilize their powers. A reference for the types of spell found in this world
can be found here. More specifically, Luna's canon point is her penultimate year of education, thus she should have a solid grounding on the spells that most sixth-years know. Her particular strengths involve defensive magical duelling (she's been involved in her fair share of battles before), as well as enchantments (she once created a hat from scratch shaped like a lion's head that roared whenever it was tapped).
It is worth noting that the vast majority of magic requires the user to be holding their wand to channel their magical energy through. Without a wand, a witch cannot actively preform any magic spells.
Weapons: Just her wand!
Character History:
Courtesy of the HP Lexicon!Point in Canon: After escaping her confinement at Malfoy Manor, but before going to sleep for the first night at Shell Cottage.
Character Personality:
The first impression that most people tend to form of Luna Lovegood is that she's a little quirky. A bit out there. This has resulted her in growing accustomed to being the social outcast, and quite comfortable in her own company. In fact, even when around others, she often appears to be in her own little world, her voice frequently described as having vague or dreamy qualities to it. The reason that most acquire this impression is that Luna does not waver from her intrinsic values and beliefs, even when they may be viewed as utterly unrealistic by other people who put more stock into things like proof before they will ascribe to something. Instead, for Luna, the world is a land of endless possibilities, that starts and ends only when her imagination does. She's the type of girl who'll hang vegetables from her ears to increase the chances that her mind will become more receptive to accepting what others won't believe, spend her summer holidays hunting for creatures that most other people don't believe exist, and will enthusiastically inform you about how a government department is trying to destabilize itself by making everyone's teeth rot. So, it's not unexpected that her peers find her weird. In fact, it's these sort of tendencies that have earned her the nickname 'Loony' from her classmates, and make her a target for bullying.
However, despite these negative consequences to her behavior, Luna is not oblivious to how she is regarded, not to mention frequently ridiculed, by her peers, and nor does it fail to affect her emotionally. As the series progresses, it's shown that she has a deep gratitude towards those who treated her with kindness despite her oddities, going so far as to paint a mural dedicated to them in her bedroom. The reason that Luna simply doesn't conform to the social norms that overrule social interactions in the school environment most of the series takes place in is that she is unwilling to compromise her beliefs for anything; even if she was lonely during her earlier years of education, before she made the friends depicted on the aforementioned mural, being lonely but confident in her ability to be truly herself was far more important than putting on any sort of fake persona simply to avoid being alone. This, again, reaffirms her personal integrity as a core tenant of her character, that she is genuine and honest in everything that she does, even if by the standards of so-called 'normal' people, her actions are perceived as nonsensical. There's a reason for everything that she does - it just might not make sense to other people.
A side-effect of having such an intense beliefs systems entrenched in the core of her personality is Luna's predisposition to frank honesty. She's never the type of person to be openly tactless, but nor does she overcompensate in the other direction - she simply voices her opinions for exactly as they are, which unsettles people who are more used to the social conventions of either hedging criticisms or deliberately intending offense.
While Luna is the type of person who is willing to engage nearly anyone in conversation - if the world is limitless, so are the people who reside with in - one of her main annoyances are close-minded people, people who she thinks are 'unwilling to see past their own noses'. She thinks it's a waste, really, that people would choose to limit themselves in such a manner, and if there's anything actually capable of irritating or fazing Luna, it's that, and the times that she does encounter it, she is shown to be very annoyed by it. Luna is willing to accept, or at least attempt to understand any behavior other than close-mindedness. This also has the benefit of making her a very comforting person to speak to in return, once you sift through the embarrassingly frank honesty and all the conspiracy theories, because she's the type of person who genuinely wants and can understand how other people feel...although people tend not to bother to speak to her for that long.
So, despite her idiosyncrasies, Luna Lovegood is a wholly genuine person who hides little from everyone around her because the beauty in life is in being herself and seeking the full possibilities of everything in the world around her.
Character Plans:
Luna's going to want to find out everything about the Port, with varying degrees of success, of course. And when investigation fails, conspiracy theories will take hold! And when they take hold, she will eventually try to convince other people to see the light. Depending on how she settles in, I can see her trying to submit some of her more inane leaps of logic to the news/starting her own newspaper. She'll also try to keep busy to assuage some of the guilt that does remain from leaving her friends behind to fight the war without her while she's here having what she honestly considers a lot of fun.
Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[ video ]
[ The feed flickers on to show little more than a large, blue eye staring out at the network. A few moments pass by and the camera is jostled a bit, and the rest of the girl's face comes into view; she starts to speak in a dreamy tone. ] I know that I'm still new here, but I've been listening to everyone's conversations on my journal. And, well, I've noticed a few things. [ she pauses, slightly nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear; there is a pencil tucked away back there as she looks down at the feed once more. ] Many of you don't seem very happy. I'm not going to ask why. Nearly all of us are separated from friends or family. I miss mine too. Yet, if you think about it - we must be here for some sort of reason, anything at all. Maybe it's some innocuous, that we're little more than misplaced travellers. That's what I thought when I first came here. But now I'm thinking that the signs are pointing more directly towards something else instead. [ her voice lowers ] This city is really a testing ground for a new range of various cuisines. There are so many here! What I think is that they couldn't get enough volunteers so... here we are. I mean, did anyone else find that they were awfully hungry when they first came here? I was starving.
[ And abruptly, her voice loses the dreamy quality all together, becoming far more forthright. ] I'm sure that it we all put our minds together, we can find out the real story behind this city's origins. I was thinking of starting a newspaper, actually, something that will reveal the actual truth of Siren's Port history. I've never done anything like this all on my own before, so I'd rather appreciate any contributions that you could provide. You'd be correctly credited in the final publication, of course.
[ A blink, and she looks off into the distance somewhere, instead of at the feed. ] And I should have mentioned this at the very start, but now will do. My name's Luna Lovegood, and I very much look forward to hearing from you.
Third Person Sample
The fluttering in her stomach is a most curious thing, reminiscent of the last time she had eaten Fizzing Whizbees as a young child. Yet, today she is not drifting several inches off the ground. Instead, her feet are firmly planted upon it - and what a ground it is. It may look like an ordinary ground - there are cracks in the concrete, the grass looks like it could use some good rainfall - but Luna is well aware now that this is no ordinary ground that she now stands upon. If all the pamphlets were to be believed - and she cannot not think of any reason why they shouldn't be, especially considering how suddenly she had found herself in this place - this ground, right here and present beneath her now, belongs to a world entirely different from the world she herself has come from.
She has heard yelling, before, when the men were handing out the pamphlets, from people who seemed unwilling to comprehend the marvel that she - and they - now found themselves in. There are many possible reasons for it, Luna thinks to herself, taking a step forward on this new, foreign, ground, smiling in satisfaction as it holds under her weight, not dissipating like a poorly placed enchantment. This is the real thing, and perhaps it is an act of magic in itself, this otherworldly dimension, something that not even Gamp's laws can explain or deny. This is really it - a whole new world; she finds it silly that there are still people milling about trying to deny it even when it is right in front of them, under them, around them in everything that exists and in the very air that they are breathing right now. There is so much to learn, and so much to explore that she cannot help but being to feel excited. Where to start? What to visit? It is getting late, though, and she knows she should sleep soon, or at least get inside before dark because although monsters definitely sound intriguing, she doesn't want to encounter them on her very first day. The beasts that are claimed to dominate the night here sound ferocious indeed, which only really make them sound more interesting to Luna. It's the type of thing Hagrid would think, she muses to herself, she tries to imagine the crinkle in his eye as he would attempt to explain that they're not really monsters, the way they're described in all the pamphlets, but just misunderstood creatures that nobody takes the time to understand. Luna would like to understand, if she had the opportunity. But if she's to examine them, it's best to do so when prepared. That's what she thinks. And she will end up doing it alone, because Hagrid is not here.
In fact, no-one Luna knows is here, and even though she is used to doing things alone, it still fills her with a heavy sadness, because they had just been reunited and she wishes that they would all be here with her. Here is a world so far from their own that not even Voldemort or anything to do with the war being waged would be able to touch them - but the more that she thinks about it, the more she understands that they probably wouldn't like that. All of them, her friends … they're all very courageous. They wouldn't want to leave while they still had a job to do. She hopes that they will be all right without her, that they realize she would be with them every step of the way, but now she's here and she can't be, so she will just have to believe in them. Then, suddenly, the weight burdening her heart no longer feels like sadness, but is instead measured in memories and hope. Her friends may not be with her right now, but she'll carry them with her wherever she goes.
For now where she goes is not very far, just the remaining few hundred feet to the apartment block all the new arrivals just like her had been designated. She greatly anticipates sleeping in an actual room in a bed with blankets instead of the cell that she had started to call home during her capture at the Malfoys' manor.
She makes it inside just before the sun sets - everything's going to be okay.