(no subject)

Jan 31, 2007 11:59

5:15 AM
Leave indy @ 5:50 am
lost till 7:20 am
get to first class 30 min late
get to second 10 min late (after trying to pring poem- that I didn't have-- so I e-mailed everyone that i sent it to in order to hopefully get it back-)
Late to 3rd class by 15-20 min- b/c i was waiting to see if I got an e-mail with my poem in it (which i would have gotten out of the sent folder if my mailbox wasn't full- thus causing me to delete all my sent items (who'da thunk I'd need it?) I did- I knew it-- i got this feeling that said "Chris, you don't wanna do that" and i said "what's the worst that could happen?"

TODAY IS THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN!!! (in this particular situation, of course)

i need to smoke
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