Jan 31, 2006 13:17
I'm so depressed lately I hate it.
It's to the point where I know I should go to Amanda's game but I'm too lazy to shower and I just feel like curling up in a ball and crying.
I've been getting into my black clothes and eyeliner. I've been treating people like shit. Sometimes I have reasons, other times I don't even realize I am.
I hate living here.
I hate having no friends to hangout with really.
Even if I did right now, IE, Amanda I wouldn't want to because when I get depressed I don't want to do anything. I actually get the urge to clean. Or listen to music. Or talk serious with people. Or just cry. I hate crying in front of people.
I want a car so bad. I want ajob and I want to move away from here. I want to make new friends and just start a life again. Or I just wish it was summer and everybody had school off and I could hang out with Jamie, Alicia, Tara, Cory, Amanda, etc. It'd be way more fun.
Maybe once we move into the new house I'll have more things to do and I won't feel pointless in this world. Seriously, I do nothing allllll the time and it makes me feel worthless and stupid, sometimes I feel like I'm so low no body ever wants to talk to me. It's just stupid I know && I know I'm being emo but basically I don't care. Leave me alone if you don't like it. :] kthanks.
Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands. Their older stuff anyway.
Smile empty soul is my favorite band ever. Their songs hit home w/ me. I love them.
I don't know what it is lately. I just am so mad at the world lately. I feel like I was put here to do SO much more and I'm just stuck here. I feel like I always will be. Maybe it is my own fault. Maybe it's yours.
Things will get better I know but for right now. I don't want to think about the betterside which is weird. Cause I'm the one always going "things will be okay" "everything is always alright in the end" and here I am being a miserable emo kid with emo tears. I'm so dumb.