Jan 11, 2006 22:53
Monday night I went to Jamer's dog 4h thingy in Oriskany.
That girl is a trip! I love her so much && I miss high school back in the day with just her and I together all the time being retarded. It was great. I miss senior year. It was the best ever. But yeah, that was fun.
Tuesday Jamie && I were suppose to go to the movies to see "fun with dick and jane" but her daddy cut his finger REALLy bad while cooking and he had to be taken to the ER which was sad we couldn't hang out but at the same time I'm not going to get mad over something no body can control ya know? So my sister && I just went to walmart. I made her go with me because our cellphones got shut off and I didn't wanna be alone if moms car decided to like break down so yeah.
So yeah we bought the new harry potter scene it game, well Crystal did, and when we got home we played it. It was fun. I won, by cheating but if you are playing w/ only my sister you have to cheat man. She's the harry potter psycho girl lol jk. Shes just wicked smart when it comes to those books/movies/characters/people..etc. So yeah. I cheatted but she let me! lol
Today I left early to go get mom so I could go to Jcpennys because of the huge sale they are having well theyve been having sales for like 2 weeks now and it was all shitty stuff so I was just like whatever and left, went to fashion bug, it was also crappy do to sales so we just went early to pick up mom. We were an hour early so we hung out there. Than mom and I ran into walmart and picked up some groceries.
Didnt get to have chicken for dinner because we left it in the plastic bag twirly thing. yeah whatever its my fault we didn't have dinner. actually its the cashiers but yeah. Yeah kind of a crappy day && my allergies are acting up which blows butt.
I need a haircut badly. I've been realizing I have an inch or two of dead/split ends. I haven't done anything w/ my hair since October so it's time for a hair cut. I think I'm going to cut it off to about shoulder length with a bunch of chunky layers and side bangs. Yeah sounds goooood.
I might go down to Russell's soon for a "trial period" to see if I can handle being down there for like a week, I'll just stay a night or two for the first time, get use to things and stuff. Yup. Maybe I'll go next thursday cause mom has it off and so does crystal so we'll see. I'd have crystal bring me down that way I can be in the car helping her while being on the phone with Russell. I would drive half way down and let her take over at the end. Than a day or two later Russell would drive me back upppp. Probably two nights but we'll see what happens.
Friday Jamie, Tara, Crystal && I are hanging out. I think we're going to the bowling alley to see the boys bowl from high school anddd play some pool and stuff. Than maybe go to the movies? I think we should. Maybe go see the producers or that funny queen latifa movie comes out friday....last holiday? yeahhhhhhh that'd be hot stuff if we did that. Yup.
I think that's all I got to say. Later folks.