OOC: Verse List

May 29, 2010 23:06


» canon;
Loki, the former angel of death who, after getting drunk with Bartleby one day, lays down his sword and gives the finger to God, leading to his and Bartleby's expulsion from Heaven. More extroverted and humorously aggressive than his partner, he has no qualms about killing those who have committed harsh sins in the past with a recently purchased Desert Eagle, though he is unwilling to kill the innocent.

He also likes to convince members of the clergy that there is no God, despite knowing full well there is, commonly using Lewis Carroll's tale of The Walrus and the Carpenter as an example of 'religious' figures leading the little people to their deaths; his stated reason for doing so is to "keep them on their toes". Loki experiences a role reversal when Bartleby snaps, and tries in vain to talk Bartleby out of going through with the plan. [Source]

» smite!verse;
Set before Loki falls from Heaven - Loki is the Angel of Death, the holy soldier charged with bringing the Lord's wrath down on sinners. He is responsible for seeing all sinners are punished and held up as an example to the the human race. Loki is afforded the knowledge of all sins committed and carries out his duties with cold precision... most of the time.

He finds it hard to accept the views of some of his brothers, who maintain patience and mercy should be shown to all humans. It is with his knowledge of the sins committed on Earth, and what they're capable of, that he finds himself constantly disappointed by the souls he has to reap and escort down to Hell.

Spending part of his working day at the Gates of Hell, to deliver the souls of those he has reaped to the right demons, he has developed his own style of conversing with them - a mixture of teasing banter and mostly empty threats.

» irony!verse;
Loki's faith in the human race, and his Father's plans for them, has already become shaky - his exposure to the sinners of the world slowly chipping away at his faith, until one day he is stripped of his position and thrown out of Heaven. He bypasses 'topside' completely, not stopping until he lands in an undignified heap at the Gates of Hell.

Furious that he has been fired and, without warning, ejected from paradise, his blame lies split between his Father and the humans he has spent so long walking amongst. Completely disillusioned with his beliefs, he wastes no time in strolling through the Gates, wings turning jet black in the process, and catching up with the demons he is most familiar with. If the Lord thinks he's seen the extent of Loki's wrath, he's completely wrong.

» dogmanatural!verse;
A Dogma/Supernatural crossover, mostly following Supernatural canon from season 4 onwards.

Old Testament!Verse.
Loki fills his day with orders from above, inhabiting Earth to punish the sinners and send the wicked to Hell. And then Heaven sends a messenger in the form of a young angel called Castiel who soon becomes Loki's student in the ways of walking the Earth.

An unlikely friendship develops, and the two are bonded under the eye of Heaven's most feared archangel, Michael, though before they can spent the rest of eternity happily ever after, Heaven makes a disbeliever of Loki.

Going against his superiors' orders, he risks his very existance to keep his own mentor, Michael, safe, and as a result a chain of events is knocked into succession, Heaven's End Game bestowing a punishment on Loki that breaks his Grace.

Cast from Heaven and leaving his mate and friends behind, Loki lands on Earth, soon after having his memories taken from him to be spared the pain and the loss of living now as a Fallen angel.

Winchester Gospel!Verse.
Thousands of years have passed, and Heaven is looking at an impending battle against Hell. The apocalypse has been set in motion by a righteous man, and now they are looking at the end of the Earth as God's fair land. Lucifer is free, and they need as many soldiers as they can get.

Uriel seeks out Loki to recruit him to the cause, and Loki, unable to remember who or what he was, simply believes himself to be a freak of society. His wings and superhuman strength are unexplainable, and he doesn't remember until he is faced with a familiar looking Castiel who has been forced to reveal himself thanks to the Winchester boys penchant for hunting.

Can Team Rebellion save the world and stop the Apocalypse? Having the Angel of Death on their side can't be a bad thing...

ooc: verselist

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