[For apoxuponyou] Death&Disease!Verse - Texas Treats

Sep 04, 2009 20:44

Loki tried telling himself that he hadn't chosen this particular job for a reason. Texas was full of sinners, and it wasn't like he didn't have to go there a lot anyway. But he could feel her close ( Read more... )


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apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 21:29:42 UTC
Pestilence hated being indoors, and she despised being alone. This new generation, spending their hours tucked indoors on their computers, never went out and experienced life - and all the VD it could bring them.

Therefore, as soon as she could stand, she had started roaming the street, occasionally able to grab someone sleeve and pass on something good. Still, she was ashamed to be seen out, so tended towards the twilight hours; a Horseman of the Apocalypse should not look this fragile.

She shifted her right arm in its sling and adjusted her sunglasses to better cover her black eyes, her cream dress deliberately loose enough to cover the bandages. It was a balmy thirty-four degrees and stormy and she was going to crawl through the streets if she had to.

As she passed an ordinary alley, she caught a flash of armour and grinned - oh, she'd know that sword anywhere. "Someone need punishing, feathers?"


believeinthis September 4 2009, 21:36:07 UTC
Eyes fixing on a very familiar looking Horseman, Loki found himself caught between annoyance, embarrassment and plain old excitement. The three mixed together were enough to have him huffing the annoyance and looking away due to the embarrassment, eyes falling back on the man on his knees in front of him. The man was already dead, obviously. Stabbed in the chest with a 12 inch for a couple of dollars. But now that he was, it was his turn to be Judged.

"Busy, Pestilence." He finally growled out, in his entire time as Angel of Death, never having been interrupted quite like this before. He'd lost his train of thought now, and he frowned as he tried to remember what came next.


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 21:40:42 UTC
"Oh, don't mind me," she said lightly. "Happy to watch the master at work - sure he doesn't need a little syphilis before departure?"

It was good to see him again. There, she'd admitted it. Not that she'd ever tell anyone that - especially not Mr Smug and Shiny Feathers over there.


believeinthis September 4 2009, 21:53:24 UTC
Loki's head turned again so he could regard her with even more annoyance than before - why it had to be her...

Mumbling something inaudible, he turned back to the sinner, Richard, finally letting his wings fan out, the wrath of his Father in his eyes as he regarded him unforgivingly. "You are sentenced to eternity in the Pit for your crimes."


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 21:57:27 UTC
After her little fling with Phoenix, Pestilence was rather impressed by the wingspan - especially knowing the dexterity of those marvellous wings.

"Oh, bravo," she said. "I really should've brought popcorn."


believeinthis September 4 2009, 22:00:30 UTC
What Loki did next was quick enough to be gone and back in the blink of an eye, taking the sinner's soul to the Gates before returning, as ever his wings blackened slightly by Hell's foul stench.

When he appeared back on Earth, he was mere inches from Pes, eyes narrowing as he looked down upon her, wings folding behind his back as he regarded her intensely.

"You done messing around now?"


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 22:02:12 UTC
Wow, he was close. Looking at his over her sunglasses, she blew air through her lips. "I never mess around, feathers. All business, all the time. Like you, I see."


believeinthis September 4 2009, 22:24:13 UTC
"Do you know what happens to people who interrupt the Lord's work?" He asked, still not budging an inch from his standing point, still towering over her and still unable to rid himself of the spark of excitement deep in his belly.


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 22:27:11 UTC
"Let me guess - one of those infamous smitings. Well, feathers, I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that. Even War couldn't take me out and I even managed to get home all by myself."

Pestilence removed her glasses, smirking. "What have you done lately?"


believeinthis September 4 2009, 22:32:05 UTC
"Cleaned up mess." Loki returned, refusing to be tricked into that confession. The way she was smirking up at him too was infuriating.

"You should show me some respect, Pestilence." He bit out, still seemingly unable to move away.


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 22:34:53 UTC
She shifted her weight, unable to completely hide the wince - sword wounds hurt like a bitch. "Oh really, feathers? Give me something to respect and I might."


believeinthis September 4 2009, 22:39:11 UTC
Loki really had nothing in response, pretty sure that he could do no more to gain her respect that wouldn't get him into more trouble than it was worth, Upstairs.

Letting her freely go about infecting people like nobody's business just wasn't on, and he knew he'd be called up before the Council quicker than anything if he did.

Instead, his Grace decided, rightly or wrongly, that he was in fact going to kiss her. So he did.


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 22:48:33 UTC
In her entire existence, Pestilence had never been caught off guard. And then, all of a sudden, Loki turned up and started messing with her world view.

And then he was kissing her, in the middle of a street in Austin, and she could feel his Grace reaching for her, causing her to glow from the inside-out. It felt disturbingly...good.

Slowly, she reached up and gently rested her hand against his shoulder, almost to check that he was real and not another dream.


believeinthis September 4 2009, 23:12:41 UTC
As he felt her hand come to rest at his shoulder, he pressed harder against her lips before pulling back, somehow needing a massive gulp of air he shouldn't.

"And... let that be a... a lesson." He said, voice caught somewhere between embarrassment and arousal and complete confusion. Kissing one of the Horsemen shouldn't feel that good.


apoxuponyou September 4 2009, 23:20:14 UTC
Pestilence opened her eyes and slowly licked her lips. She appeared to be speechless.

There was only one way to cover, so she stood on tiptoes and kissed him.


believeinthis September 4 2009, 23:53:33 UTC
Nothing less than surprised at the response, Loki could do nothing but respond to the kiss he was receiving now, arms coming up to wrap around her waist.


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